Thursday, May 9, 2019

Why Hosting Your Event in a Coworking Space is Good for Your Business

Sick of spending an hour presenting your latest big product in a sweaty office? Or maybe you just don’t 
want to host your annual team charity fundraiser in the office staffroom, again.
Whatever your current event setup might be, what would you say if we told you we could make it better? 
We know how daunting hosting an event can be, and no matter how often you do it, those worries, 
and nerves never quite go away. But opting to throw an event from a coworking space could be just 
the change you need to help boost engagement and reduce anxieties.
If you’re looking for ways to boost staff morale and engage your audience, whilst reaping the benefits of 
a flexible and supportive community, consider these five benefits that hosting an event from a coworking 
office in London can offer.

Five reasons why you 

should host your next event 

in a coworking office

We get it, as a business owner you have enough on your plate without concerning yourself with where 
next month’s event will be hosted. The chances are you might just opt to hold it at your local community 
centre like last year, and the year before that…
But wait. Wouldn’t you rather host an event that your team would love to be a part of? An event that could 
reach an array of people whilst you benefited from experienced and skilled support? Yes? Then we think
 our coworking space may be just the thing you’re missing to create an event to remember.
  1. Get your business message across further than ever before
You work tirelessly to gain public recognition; late-night social media campaigns, weekend workshops and
 hours spent trying to network with relevant people. But what if we told you that you could have access to 
a wide range of people, all in-house? Coworking spaces are renowned for successful networking 
events and opportunities, and at Areaworks, we benefit from a diverse community from a vast range 
of industries.
If you decide to host an event from a coworking office, not only are you opening yourself up to other local 
businesses thanks to the built-in professional network (who knows what connections could be made), 
but you’re also simultaneously benefiting from free marketing! Yes, that’s right if you’re hosting an event 
from a coworking office, just ask and they will publicise the details, helping you reach a wider range of 
Say goodbye to those long weeks and instead, make full use of the audience you have access to when
hosting an event from a coworking office space.

  1. Say goodbye to being a “one-man” show
One of the biggest benefits of hosting an event from a coworking office is that you’re never left to your
 own devices (unless you want to be). Need a projector? Want to print off resources before the big day? 
We can be on hand to provide both administrative and technical support to help take the pressure off.
One of the most challenging aspects of running an event is making sure everything runs smoothly on the 
day, and sometimes this can be easier said than done. Our team is professional, experienced and on hand
 to fix any technical glitches or show you around the office so you know where to go when you need 
It may not seem like it but trust us – this extra level of support that comes as part of the package of any 
good coworking office in London can really make all the difference.

  1. Did someone say tech?
Whatever industry you’re working in, there’s no escaping the technological rat race we are now in. 
Business moves fast these days, and without the highest tech, it can be hard to make an impact. 
At Areaworks, we already have some of the best facilities in place, from super-fast Wi-Fi to more
 printers than you can shake a stick at, speakers, projectors. Basically, we’re tech-mad!
Read the full article

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