Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The Ultimate Guide to Artificial Greenery (Myths, Facts, and Tips Revealed!)

All About Artificial Greenery

When it comes to designing our living space, every trick in the book has been tried. There is not a single method or idea that hasn’t been explored. Even though the ideas are countless, one of the most striking is the idea that you can introduce your outside environment in your inside space. The mere fact that you can have your living room look like the Garden of Eden is mind-blowing. Many people have invested millions of dollars in acquiring different plant species that they can grow on their walls and have others potted on their table. This whole shebang seemed full proof until its flaws started becoming evident. The cost and hustle of maintenance far outweigh its advantages. If only there were a solution that could make it easier to have an indoor garden without the stress associated with it. 

That is the whole concept behind Artificial Greenery. In a nutshell, Artificial Greenery is the art of designing your space using artificially-made trees, plants, foliage, grasses and plant walls, and preserved palms. These designs are usually great for indoor settings. The plants are formulated to look very realistic. At a glance, no one can tell whether they are real or fake. It requires a close examination for you to actually tell the difference. 
Ever since the introduction of artificial plants, Dubai residents have been skeptical. Artificial greenery has always been a subject of great controversy, especially with many international bodies and personalities advocating for a greener world. Different myths have been formulated in order to tarnish the name of this beautiful phenomenon. It is usually the lack of proper facts that lead people to come up with their assumptions and spread beliefs that are misconstrued. 
Therefore, before discrediting it at face value, it is essential first to understand everything about it. We will give you an in-depth analysis of Artificial Greenery focusing mainly on the facts, tips, and myths. We have already lightly brushed on some different facts and tips which can be found in our blog page. After this article, you will be able to understand everything about artificial plants and how it improves your living and working space in the Middle East. 
Before we get to the facts on the ground, let’s fast dispel somemyths and rumors that are circulating regarding artificial greenery. Have you come across some of these popular ones?

Discovering Myths on Artificial Greenery

They Are Harmful To the Environment

A lot of people have been led to believe that when it comes to the use of artificial plants, Abu Dhabi or Dubai would be littered with plastics and latex that are harmful to the environment. That is furthest from the truth.  The fact that you can mix artificial trees with living plants means that they are made using fabrics that do not harm plant life. The materials used have been tried and tested to see whether they are compatible with the environment. There are also government policies in place to ensure that the surroundings come first. 

You can also play your part by getting the right professionals and invest in high-quality artificial gardens. If you go for the cheapest option, expect to get what you deserve. 

They Appear Fake

Artificial Plant Wall at Pret to Go

Most people believe that you can tell an artificial plant from afar. They think that there is no way they can replace the beauty of nature and the aura it brings. Chances are these people have come across an artificial greenery system without even noticing it. With significant advancement in the landscaping technology, these artificial plants or artificial trees entirely resemble their natural counterparts. You will have to touch them and feel the texture to know the difference. It has taken years of research and practice to achieve this kind of mastery. If you happen to see one that looks fake, it is likely that whoever has it opted for the cheaper option. Again, you cannot compromise on the price and quality.

Article originally published by Planters Artificial. Read the full blog here https://bit.ly/2Luclxi

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