Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Inspirational Office Tweaks

Within office spaces, plants dramatically improve the area and are shown to increase productivity as well as client perceptions (read about the benefits of plants here). It is important for your office to represent you as a company as the workspace psychologically reflects the way you conduct business.
Our plant containers are selected to complement your office interior, and teamed with indoor plants that enhance the surroundings of your space. One thing to be mindful of is the level of light within your office; some plants thrive in direct sunlight, while others need to be shaded. If your office has no natural light at all, you may want to opt for a preserved plant as Rolls Royce chose to for their showroom.
Preserve Palms in Rolls Royce Showroom
The Rolls Royce showroom, featuring a preserved palm from Planters' sister company,Planters Artificial
Offices with less space will benefit from installing a few containers as seen in the Grosvenor House lobby. These take up a smaller amount of space than a full interior landscape and serve to subtly enhance the office space. With Planters' large selection of planting containers, there is ample ability to create a statement or even sculptural piece with them.
Grosvenor House Planted Containers
                         Planted containers in the lobby of Grosvenor House

Alternatively, you can opt to make the most of the unused vertical space in your office with Living green walls or Plantwires. Remove generic artwork from the wall and replace them with these impressive structures; Living green walls and Plantwires are bound to capture the attention of visiting clients, and serve as a living piece of art in their own right.

Article originally published by Planters. Read the full article here, https://bit.ly/2HpLaP5

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