Tuesday, May 7, 2019

10 Surprising Facts about Artificial Green Walls

Artificial Green Walls Facts

Artificial plant walls, artificial plants, and artificial trees - the world has gone mad about anything artificially green, and with good reasons. Used in both exterior and interior landscaping designs, more and more people, especially businesses, are opting to ‘fake it’ when it comes to their greenery needs.

Benefits such as the following are why interior designers and landscapers now opt for artificial plant walls in Dubai and Abu Dhabi;
  • Maintenance free since you do not need to water or weed them for sustenance;
  • Cost-effective now that they stay green and luscious for as long as they are hanging on your walls which can amount to a minimum lifespan of ten years;
  • They are noise absorbent;
  • Easy to install on either the exterior or interior walls without having to bother with the limitations of sunlight or the confine of space;
  • Staring at green has been proven to relax your eyes by reducing strain to your overtaxed vision.
The ability to include the exterior green beauty into your indoor without having to face the pressure of breaking the bank or your back by watering and weeding, let alone the risk of mold and pest infestation is what artificial greenery provides. That has made them gain vast popularity over the years becoming one of the biggest interior design trends in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

In the past, having artificial vertical gardens installed in the home or workplace was conceived as tacky, but gone are the days of unrealistic fake-looking artificial trees and plants; in fact, some of them appear to be even more real than their live counterparts. So, if you’re still not convinced, here are some amazing facts about green walls and why you should consider having one (or more) installed.

1. The Long History of the Plant Walls

Beautiful exterior landscaping has been a part of history for centuries. In the ancient times, living walls were often a part of architectural designs. While they haven’t all been of the artificial type, the first ever example of a green plant wall dates back to the ancient times in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. This is proof enough that humans have always craved and needed greenery in their lives whether it’s for aesthetic or functional purposes. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were one among the seven of the world’s ancient wonders of architectural history. It included plants ranging from running vines, stationary plants to trees, combined to create a grand view of green beauty.

Inspired by the magnificent beauty of the hanging gardens of Babylon, designers by the 1920s begun to incorporate plants more frequently in their designs. Equipment had been created in the 80s and 90s with the specific purpose of helping vertical gardens grow. Structures with open space whether it was indoors, outdoors or building entrances, plant walls become a common architectural addition to these structures at the time.

Over time with advancements in the artificial green industry designers of the modern world have gradually turned to the use of artificial plant walls. The evolution to faux plant walls in itself was facilitated by a number of factors but the ease of maintenance and cost-effectiveness take top place. What is even more amazing about this shift is that with the improvement in the artificial green plants' production, artificial plant walls today look as real as naturally growing living plants. Most people cannot really tell the difference judging from just their sight.

With a fast-improving society today, people are realising that the benefits of installing artificial plant walls are not only suitable for the home but can also enhance the workplace environment. And due to that realisation, artificial plant wall suppliers in Dubai and Abu Dhabi are now taking their artificial plants to office walls in the cities.

2. Artificial Green Walls Create Peace

Artificial Plant Wall at House of Comms
Another great benefit of having an artificial vertical plant wall is that they are noise absorbent. That means that if they are constructed and installed properly, it can help lessen the noise levels in buildings. Individuals and even corporate businesses have long used green walls to reduce noise around their premises, especially if they’re situated along highways, traffic lanes, roads or motorways. Green walls can be functional in ensuring the necessary serenity required for a proper working environment. Their structure helps block high-frequency sounds by absorbing acoustic energy, such as traffic and noise pollution from outside the building or even from adjacent rooms.

The ability of the artificial plant wall to absorb sound enables this aesthetic structure to turn your working environment or your home into a beautiful relaxing sanctuary. One that is both charming to look at and pleasant to be around with or rather be surrounded by. Note that this ambiance can be quite effective in relieving stress especially at the workplace, significantly impacting the office mood. You can achieve this even when the situation would have, otherwise, compromised the intended productivity.

For institutions such as hotels, medical facilities, retail stores and even schools where it is essential for the client to directly interact with the organisation; there is a need for a tranquil and calm environment to ensure the satisfaction of the service they receive. Providing this peaceful, calm business environment has a significant impact on the customer retention rate of the institution. Artificial plant walls will offer you the serene environment you desire to make that extra profit for your business without extra maintenance cost.

Less noise at the workplace will definitely lead to happier employees and satisfied clients, resulting in better productivity and subsequently, increased profit. It’s a win-win situation! Plus, you do not even have to water the plants.

3. Artificial Plant Walls aren’t Just a Feature

Having a faux garden wall installed will undeniably transform your space’s appearance. It’s amazing what a little bit of green (even if it isn’t real) can do to the place. But that’s not all; an artificial vertical garden wall can also be functional. Ask the team at Planters Artificial and they’ll quickly tell you how installing a fake garden wall can act as a boundary, windbreak and in some cases, it can even help protect a building against the elements.

Now that you are reading this, however, it is only proper that you get a clear idea of what answers to expect from Planters Artificial in terms of the extra features of the artificial plant walls. Aside from the already illustrated sound absorption capabilities and tranquil environment creation, artificial green walls also offer a myriad of other interior benefits. Primarily, they possess aesthetic benefits given their beautiful imitation to nature thus making them a preferred alternative to interior décor in the urban setting.

By creating a façade that connects one to nature, artificial plant walls have also been seen to uplift people’s moods, make them alert and even happier due to the concept known as biophilia. Studies have shown that artificial greeneries, just like their living counterparts, provide both aesthetic as well as psychological benefits. Psychological benefits include reducing mental fatigue, decreasing one’s level of aggression and anxiety, and reduction of stress. 

Article originally published by Planters Artificial. Read the full blog here https://www.plantersartificial.ae/blog/facts-about-artificial-green-walls

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