Wednesday, May 1, 2019

15 Things You (Probably) Didn't Know About Landscaping

Interior and Exterior Landscaping

 Interior and exterior landscaping have always been popular, and today these forms of landscaping are even most important; especially for businesses located within the confines of concrete cities that are looking to add a touch of colour to their premises. Exterior landscaping can add value to your property and interior landscaping helps bring about more harmony, which is always a huge plus in the business world. Artificial landscaping has come on leaps and bounds in recent years. The selection of artificial options for your landscaping project now available is truly staggering. This means that whether you choose to hire a professional landscaper landscaper company in Dubai to plant real-life trees and plants or install artificial trees and artificial green walls, there are still probably a few things you didn’t know about landscaping and how it could benefit you, your business and your employees. 

You’ll be amazed at how much of an impact a good exterior or interior landscape designcan have on your workplace. No matter what kind of business it is, there are plenty of positives regarding interior and exterior landscaping. And in contrast, there are very few negatives. Older cities like London have over hundreds of years built over and around the natural landscape that was there already. This means the few green spaces are well-planned and well-kept, not to mention historic for the most part. Newer cities like Dubai and Abu Dhabi are making use of landscape to better shape the businesses and the way the people work. This is why the number of landscaping contractors Dubai uses has risen and why there is now more need than ever for Dubai landscape companies. 

There are a number of things you need to consider when hiring a landscaper to take on your corporate or business landscaping needs, but first, you’ve got to understand the true benefits of hiring a professional landscaping service to transform the property.

Here Are 15 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Landscaping:

Add Value to your Property with Great Exterior Landscaping

Did you know that by simply calling in some exterior landscaping experts to overhaul your outdoor space, you could increase the property’s value significantly? It’s true. Research suggests that with the correct use of exterior landscaping, it is possible for you to boost your property’s value by approximately 20%. The use of smart landscaping can push up sale prices whether it’s with real trees, a beautifully maintained lawn area, living roof or artificial green walls. 

Businesses tend to overlook the above fact; it’s often one thing that’s not really considered, but the truth is, one day your current business premises could be sold. If and when that time comes, use landscaping to ensure that you get the highest possible return. 

Perhaps you’re not looking at selling your property just yet. Perhaps it’s not even on the cards in the foreseeable future, but a well-maintained landscaped exterior garden areas will make the premises all the more attractive, so when it does come to finally selling up, you won’t have to settle for any old offer – your company will get premium deals.

Article originally published by Planters Artificial. Read the full article here.

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