Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Restaurant Consulting Company on the Food Service Trends of 2019

As every other new year does, 2019 has presented us with a fresh set of trends that will set apart the best of restaurants from the rest. As a restaurant consulting company in the Middle East, we share with you what is hot in the Food Service industry this year, from healthy eating to cashing in on the latest in technology.

1. Restaurant décor and setting

We know the sole purpose we go to restaurants is to enjoy great food, whether we just want to eat something a little different from what we have at home or even just for the experience of a different environment, it all comes down to the food.  However, restaurant consulting firms like us know that may not be all customers are looking for this year. The younger generations of millennials, who happen to have the largest purchasing power now, appear to be drawn towards restaurants with a rich décor. Absorbed into their social media craze, they are looking for selfie worthy backgrounds to accompany the great food. Following this, be sure to invest vast resources to create the perfect atmosphere and remain at the top of your game.

2. Health and Wellness

Earlier into the year, a survey revealed that many people’s 2019 resolutions were diet-related. Cutting down on the meats, calorie restrictions and low-fat diets are just a few of some of these resolutions.
Roux Restaurant Food
Many people are redefining their diets, clearly laying out what they are cutting off their plates.  The vegetarian diet is a diet free of meat, fish, and fowl flesh.
  • Lacto Vegetarians consume dairy products such as cheese, milk and yoghurt.
  • Ovo Vegetarians consume egg products.
  • Lacto-ovo vegetarians consume dairy products and egg products.
  • Pollotarians restrict meat consumption to poultry and fowl only.
  • Pescatarians restrict their meat consumption to fish and seafood only.
  • Flexitarians or semi-vegetarians focus on healthy plant proteins and other whole, minimally processed plant-based foods but consume meat and animal products in moderation.
Customers will definitely pay you to return visits when they feel their particular needs are being catered to. F&B brands and even restaurant management consultants in Saudi Arabia and the UAE are aware of this trend and are incorporating it into the restaurant operations.
Some of these include sprucing things up to attract and maintain such customers:
  1. Adapting menus marked with the nutritional values of every meal
  2. Serving whole or minimally processed foods
  3. Opting for naturally occurring sugar over added sugar

3. Consolidation of Technology into the Industry

The world is rapidly becoming digitalised with each passing day. Things that would take ages to do a few years back can now be done in a snap of the finger right from the comfort of your seat. In this era of millennials and the generation Z who are said to be social media and technology savvy, everything is preferred on screen. They seem to appreciate the ability to order food and drinks, paying via an app and ordering food electronically at the venue.
Many customers want to be served in the fastest way possible and nothing beats technology when it comes to that. Orders can now be placed online on the restaurants’ websites or apps. There is also facial recognition that remembers how the customer likes his or her food, saving loads of time and cutting down the long queues especially in fast food self-service restaurants with lots of regulars.
Smart tables are also becoming increasingly popular. They are interactive tables that allow customers to browse interactive menus (showcasing videos or photos, ingredient info, nutrition facts, and the cooking process), place orders, as well as review and pay bills directly from the table. You now do not need a whole team of waiters to attend to your orders. Orders go directly from the table to the cloud. This is more efficient and means less risk of human error.
Customers can also interact with each other through the tables and this is a sure way to keep them coming back. The children will also enjoy playing games on the interactive table while waiting for their food and help their parents or guardians take a break from having to worry about settling them down.

4. Cultivating the Use of Social Media

It is almost impossible to maximise your profits if you have not taken advantage of social media advertising. Expand your market to Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat, which are becoming more popular. Sharing videos on YouTube and Facebook Live is now an upcoming trend that restaurateurs are embracing. They are easy and fun platforms to meet and interact with customers, get feedback and advertise any special events. Customers are willing to pay more at a restaurant if its social media ratings are good. As the big majority use social media, they will want to share their experiences at the restaurants they visited.
Social media platforms also allow you to show off your dishes and services to the world, knowing that today, almost everyone is on these platforms. You may employ the services of good photographers to capture the finest of details. Based on the number of likes and comments you get on your page, you are able to understand exactly what it is that the customer wants and gravitate towards that.
Restaurant consulting firms are now leading their clients into this direction by encouraging them to hire social media experts on their teams who are tasked with marketing the restaurant on these platforms.

5. Accessibility

People want to be able to access food from a particular restaurant at any time of the day at whatever place they will be. For corporate and social functions, consumers are placing orders from their favourite restaurants for catering services. Drive-throughs are also becoming increasingly common again and restaurants are building teams for home deliveries across cities. This desire for an easy and convenient manner in which to place food orders online with the fastest delivery options is increasing day by day.
We have also seen third party delivery firms come into play to relieve the restaurants of these tasks. The Middle East region is not known for slacking when it comes to the hospitality industry and is always on to the new trends. A vegan food delivery is said to soon launch in the UAE to cater to the needs of vegetarians.

Article originally published by Glee. Read the full article here,   https://bit.ly/2Jxtp3O

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