Thursday, May 23, 2019

Sushi Burrito - Millennials Favourite Food Trend in 2018

When sushi burrito was first released in the market, its creator had no idea the level of buzz it would cause both in the media and fast food industry arena. It was just a simple idea that would later revolutionise the way sushi was consumed.

Typically, Sushi is eaten with bare hands and takes quite some time to enjoy the meal while seated. But this is not convenient for the working class and especially for the millennials to whom time is a scarce thing. It is for this reason that sushi burrito has become so popular. It provides the much-needed flexibility and convenience to have your food on the go without taking much time in a restaurant.

Sushi Burrito is a combination of the Asian and Latin cuisine concepts of sushi and burrito respectively. It is essentially a sushi roll rolled under the edible seaweed, Nori, layered with Japanese short rice, a mix of various ingredients including raw fish, carrots or cucumbers, avocado, other cooked meat, or various vegetables. The roll is then served in a grease-proof aluminium foil and can be eaten on the go without the need for a plate.

Sushi burrito is a healthy food and therefore, is a darling for many of the people looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle but do not have much time to prepare food. This makes it a go-to option that is much healthier than most fast foods. It is also equally delicious and serves as a healthy substitute for most unhealthy meals.

Since its inception, its popularity has been growing by the day as a top millennial food trend and was recently ranked among the top food trends of 2018 by Foodora alongside poke bowls and the dark kitchen concepts. This growth has been motivated by the millennial's love for quick but healthy food. There's no saying to when the bubble will burst, but certainly not any time soon.

Worldwide 2018 Food Trends and a Focus on Sushi Burrito

2017 was arguably one of the best years for the food industry in the world. The year saw the success of sushi burgers, development of new technologies in the food industry, the growth of various fast food restaurants built with the consumers and millennial food trends as the main focus.

2018 will be an even better year for the food industry, especially for sushi burrito. Several trends have already sprung up that may shake up the way we envision food in general. The following list includes some of them.

1. Mindfulness of what we eat

This was named number one trend in the food industry by Innova Market Insights. The year will see the influence of body-mind connection to new food introductions. 70% of US and UK Consumers, especially millennials want to understand what each food constitutes, the ingredients used, and understanding anything possible about the food. They then align their values with the producers and support them through purchases. Sushi makers will be in a haste to provide the most healthy and nutritious sushi burritos than their competitors to tap into this market.

2. Multi-sensory

Food is no longer just something for the tongue. A new trend is emerging where food selection will be based on all the senses of the body: touch, smell, sight, and hearing. This is especially true for those who want to feel the food in all aspects. Sushi burritos come with tactile seaweed, a mouth-watering aroma, and are formed into attractive shapes. 

3. Environmental consciousness

People are becoming more environmental-conscious consumers nowadays because of the easy access to news and other information. With the increase of awareness of what’s happening in the world, millennials are now leaning towards sustainability. Unlike most fast foods and junk foods, sushi burritos, as well as most of Sushi Counter’s offerings, are packed with eco-friendly packaging and are wrapped with healthy seaweed. 

4. Healthy Eating

Another millennial food trend will be healthy eating. Millennials are the most health-conscious consumers according to a 2017 study by Eventbrite. They're more paranoid about their health and are more concerned with healthy foods and fitness routines. This will shape how the food industry will look in 2018 as more and more fast food joints shift their focus from providing fast foods to healthy diets that will be incorporated in their menu. Sushi burritos stand to benefit from this development as it is a quick, healthy, and easy to eat item, hence, fitting the millennials' preferences.

5. Food technology

Technology has been progressing by the day. The internet penetration is in an all-time high and new technologies are springing up every day. The food industry stands a chance to benefit from this development and especially in the fast-food space. 2018 will see the rise and growth of home delivery technologies as millennials want flexibility and convenience.

Being able to order food from the comfort of their home is definitely on the priority of every millennial. Apps such as Zomato, UberEats, Deliveroo will become even more popular. Sushi Counter also jumped into the trend a few years back, allowing their consumers to order their favourite sushi dishes, and improving their online ordering system to satisfy their customers’ demands. Other Japanese restaurants in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Riyadh are looking at how they can have delivery-only kitchens that will specialise in take-out foods only. Thinking about sushi burritos, you can see where this is heading. 

6. Security

A new emerging food trend is the need to have security in food places. Millennials are very sceptical about their security. They will not go to a restaurant that does not have enough security. This year, we’ll see most food joints beef up their security to encourage more consumers to come in. With the current state of the world security, it is obvious why this will be a trend in 2018.

The History of Sushi Burrito

In 2011, Peter Yen, the founder of Sushirrito, wanted to have a bite of sushi but did not have the time to sit down and enjoy the meal. He came up with the idea of making sushi in the form of a burrito where consumers could have their sushi on-the-go. This is what led him to establish his restaurant. Sushirrito is arguably one of the first restaurants to prepare sushi burrito and sell it to consumers.

His idea received a lot of accolades from the media, food bloggers, and celebrities. This led to the rise of sushi burrito with big food chains across America and now, around the globe, embracing the idea and selling the cuisine. Being delicious, an easy-to-eat food on-the-go, it soon gained a lot of fans and has been a trending food since its inception.

Article originally published by Sushi Counter. Read the full article here,

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