Monday, July 22, 2019

What a Good Restaurant Design is NOT

Restaurant interior design is a reflection of the restaurant’s branding and vision. Establishments in the food and beverage industry compete with one another based on factors such as pricing and location. Considering every business places importance on these major factors, those that will be keen on their design will take the win.

Design is most probably the first thing your customers will notice as they enter your restaurant. That will form a lasting impression and dictate how they perceive your brand. You can greatly influence the customers’ psychology with just the interior design. It can make them order more, pay you more visits and stay longer, all to your advantage. As a restaurant design company in Dubai, seeing that the design is very important for the success of your restaurant, we have compiled a list of common mistakes in interior design by restaurants today.

Article was originally published by Glee. Read it full here

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