Sunday, July 21, 2019

How to Manage Your Workload and Relax as A New Entrepreneur

Being an entrepreneur is infinitely rewarding, but sometimes it can seem like there’s so much you have to do that it’s difficult to find any time for yourself. Luckily, Nicholas Harding, CEO of peer-to-peer lending company Lending Works, has given us some top tips to help you manage your workload and learn to relax as a new entrepreneur.

Running a business is hard work, especially when you’re just starting out and there’s so much to do! It can sometimes be hard to find ways to step back and relax, so we have some great advice on how you can get a much-needed break.

Delegate tasks to other team members
When you’ve got your own company, you’re always going to want to have things done properly. You know what they say: if you want something done right, do it yourself. But you’re only one person and you simply can’t do every job. This means you’ll eventually have to start delegating tasks to others, as your team begins to grow. It can be hard, especially when you’re still in the early stages and you’re so invested in the business idea, but it really will help you in the long run. You might find it easier to start by delegating the lower priority and lower impact tasks and gradually build this up.

Article was originally published by Areaworks. Read more here,

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