Thursday, July 25, 2019

Top tips on keeping fit in the workspace

Next week you’ll get fit because your deadline will have passed. Next week you’ll get fit because you need to lose a few kilos for summer. Next week you’ll get fit because that doughnut shop on the way to the office won’t distract you anymore…

And on it goes – but next week never comes, right?

You’re always too busy or too tired. You keep meaning to get a bike (or mend that puncture) and cycle everywhere. You keep meaning to join the gym but you never quite have the money.

And then the motivation finally hits; you join the gym, go three times a week, workout like you mean it, and then the motivation wanes and the gym visits stop, leaving you with a wardrobe that looks like a clothes rack at the sports store *and* a monthly dent in your wallet.

It’s time to stop. Stop beating yourself up, and stop dreaming that next week will be the optimum time to get fit. (And put that doughnut out while you’re reading this…)

There is a way. A path of least resistance, and a few simple things you can do to get on the road to fitness. We recently posted a blog on some deskercises you can do to get that blood flowing. But now, we want to dig a little deeper on some more ways you can increase your fitness in the office!

Article was originally published by Areaworks. Read it full here

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