Wednesday, July 31, 2019

5 Common Coworking Misconceptions

We get a lot of assumptions made about coworking. It’s fine, we get it. For a lot of people, working in a shared space is very different from how they have worked in the past, and that leads to this idea that it’s somehow for ‘other people’. Despite the explosion in recent years of different ways to work and different environments to work within, all kinds of coworking misconceptions have built up around shared workspaces.
So, let’s debunk some of the coworking myths we hear the most.

Coworking Misconception 1

“Coworking is only for freelancers and start-ups.”
A look around any shared workspace will throw up all kinds of people, doing all kinds of jobs in all kinds of situations. There will be freelancers and startups – mainly because shared workspaces are the most affordable and accessible way to reap all the benefits of a modern working environment without any of the complications. There will also be employees from all types of businesses, from a small local company to a vast global empire – because ‘floating’ employees tend to be happier, spend less time commuting and cost less than those in a central office. There may be groups of people from the same company, or an entire company running its day to day operation from a shared workspace – because they have a ready source of collaborative professionals and are keeping their overheads down and productivity up.

Article was originally published by Areaworks. Read more

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