Friday, July 12, 2019

Excellent Exterior Landscape Features for your Business

ut yourself in your customers' shoes and imagine walking past your business. Rugged walls. Faded paint. Overgrown plants. Dry grass. Dirty pathways. Dirty windows. Rusted signposts. Ugly trees. Angry birds. Do you see any of those characteristics on your landscape? Would you be pleased to be associated with such a business?
We hope not.
The human brain is more receptive to sight than sound, whether consciously or subconsciously. And so, in any business, the first thing we tend to grasp is the exterior space of the business. Before you speak to any customer about how good your services or products are, they’ve already made a judgment about the same, whether knowingly or unknowingly, just by looking at your landscape. It's called subliminal messaging. You should use it to your advantage. How? Read on.
Article originally published by Planters.

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