Thursday, June 27, 2019

5 Reasons Why Hot Desking is A Great Way to Work

We live in a world where we’ve got over the need for a permanent desk, it creates a freer, more relaxed
 working atmosphere –  what’s not to like?
In office terms, hot desking is a concept where you don’t use a set desk every day, rather sit wherever 
you’d like. The concept became popular among offices in places where rents are high – like London, Tokyo 
and Dubai, and in professions where people work different shifts – like in newspapers and call centres.
Research says as much as 40% of an office’s desks are unused on any given day. Staff might be on holiday,
 work flexible hours or be stuck in back-to-back meetings. So, in comes hot desking!
It became popular in the 90s, and now is a well-established practice in many places – but it’s not without its 
Some say hot desking isolates people, leaving them feeling disconnected from the company and their work
 colleagues, however; we very much disagree!
If you are already attuned to using a coworking space – and if you’re reading this, you probably are –
 then the positives of hot desking are probably already clear to you.
Here are the top reasons why hot desking might be the right option for you:

1. It’s said to increase 

communication and 


By its very nature, hot desking calls for bonding with whoever’s near. As you change your desk daily, you are 
exposed to different people on a regular basis. This can lead to different conversations than you might engage
 in were you to sit at one desk next to the same people every day.
Hot desking brings the opportunity to chat to people from different backgrounds and industries. 
These conversations and informal networking opportunities are extremely useful for freelancers, start-ups and entrepreneurs alike!

Article originally published by Areaworks. Read it full here

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