Friday, June 14, 2019

11 Common Myths About Office and Indoor Plants

Have you ever heard something so ridiculous yet so commonly practiced? Well, it would be difficult to think that something everyone does or believes in is a myth unless you are a specialist in that field. There are a lot of common myths that people believe in when it comes to indoor or office plants. You may have even applied the same myths and your plants are still alive but this does not mean that it is safe to keep following them. 
With the internet being a great source of information, you are also likely to know more some of these myths about office plants. While these myths are quite popular, it does not mean that they are best practices for taking care of your office plants or indoor plants. Luckily, we will debunk some of these myths to save your plants from drying up regardless of your good intentions. 

Read the full article originally published by Planters here,

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