Monday, March 9, 2020

Tips and Tricks to Improve Productivity in the Workplace

Let’s be honest: keeping productivity up at all times is one of the biggest challenges of modern working life. Waking up early, walking out the door without an actual breakfast, commuting to work and spending 8+ hours at a desk can be exhausting. We can relate.

Hence why we decided to share some of our tips and tricks to improve your productivity in the workplace.

1. Workspace ergonomics

It’s easy to think that providing people with a nice place to work; a desk, a chair and a good Wi-Fi is enough, and to forget how design affects people. But poor office design or ergonomics can have a huge impact on creativity and productivity.

First things first, comfortable office furniture can make a big difference. Ergonomically designed chairs and laptop stands, for example, will help reduce posture-related injuries that are caused by poor workstation design and sitting for prolonged periods of time.

Secondly, a decent amount of breakout areas so people can escape, refresh and keep the burnout away. The prefrontal cortex, aka the “thinking part” of the brain, deals with concentration, logical thinking, executive functioning and builds up the willpower to override impulses. It’s basically the part of the brain that helps you throughout goal-oriented work. Having regular breaks would then help the prefrontal cortex to recharge and refresh and avoid decision fatigue. Having an office space with good breakout areas is, therefore, a must!

Finally, small items such as a foot hammock to hang under your desk, an air humidifier, nice stationery or some indoor plants could help make your work environment a nicer place to be, which always helps to boost productivity!

We have designed our Areaworks spaces with all of these things to ensure you’re working in the perfect workspace!

2. Beat the post-lunch slump!

We’ve all been there. The clock hits 2:00 pm and as energised as you were in the morning, you find yourself yawning or getting easily distracted. Making decisions sounds almost impossible and you start counting down the hours until you can walk out the door. Finding motivation and being productive is one thing, but how do you maintain those productivity levels all day long?

Rather than having another coffee, we suggest going for a walk outside. Fresh air and being physically active will help you be more creative and productive.

Article originally published by Areaworks. Read the full article here.

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