Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Real vs Artificial Plants - Which One is for You?

Even though artificial plants have objective benefits, and have been used for a while now for both outdoor and indoor landscaping, there are still some people who have second thoughts about purchasing them to beautify either their living or commercial space.
If you don’t know yet what the advantages are of using faux greenery, then take a look at our article about why artificial plants and trees are beneficial for your retail business. You will find there a series of objective benefits that can help you create a better experience for your customers.  
Nevertheless, artificial plants can also be a great way to decorate an office building, giving the workers more connection with the outdoors and with nature. This has been proven to stimulate the brain and help people be more efficient. By using the artificial plants, you get the most of it, with the minimum effort! 
However, all these advantages don’t mean that natural plants don’t bring any added value and they should be permanently excluded. The main idea is to find the right option for your own space and the activities you intend to perform there. So, if you are still confused about which one would suit you better, we have prepared a list of your answer questions.  

Real vs Artificial Plants – a Fair Comparison 

Maintenance: a time-consuming investment

Plant Maintenance
When it comes to choosing which option suits you best, the first question you should ask yourself is whether or not you have the right amount of time to invest in the maintenance of the plants. Lack of proper caretaking would lead, in the case of natural plants, to big losses, which would be costly in the long term. You must keep in mind that plant maintenance doesn’t only mean watering the plants every now and then, but also cleaning them of any parasites that might appear, changing the pots and the soil regularly and always making sure that the new size is fit for the place where they are stored. When it comes to real plants, they continuously grow, and their needs will grow with them.  

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