Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Top Strategies in Franchise Brand Development

Building a brand that captures the enthusiasm of consumers and creating a perfect blend of autonomous franchise brand development plus strategic management can be an uphill task, especially when you’re new to the field. The problem escalates even further when you’re not familiar with different industry strategies for building such a brand. It can become even more devastating when you set up such a brand only for it to crumble and fail.

In fact, one of the toughest challenges of franchise brands is being able to maintain their brand identity while at the same time, outsourcing it to the franchisees. With the current ease of access to information, brands are always at the brink of losing their credibility, much so the franchise brands. If a franchisee business deviates from laid out rules and procedures of offering your service, your brand suffers the most.

To that end, it is imperative for franchise brand managers and owners to have strategic knowledge on franchise brand development and effective ways to avoid mutual exclusion with the franchisees. Explained below are ways to start a franchise business model and scale it up to be among successful franchise models of the world.

How to start a Franchise Business Model
As you embark on your franchise brand development, it is important to note that as with any business, challenges will occur. Ensuring that you plan ahead accordingly and you are knowledgeable about your market will help you mitigate some of those challenges

Article originally published by Glee. Read the full article here:

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Commercial Real Estate Investors: Top Tips to Ensure Your Investment Success

If your goal is to be an astute commercial real estate investor, there is a proven formula for success.

You may have already made some real estate investments in London or be a financial wizard with an MBA. Or you might be experienced in identifying new market trends such as coworking spaces. Still, the smartest thing to do is work with a company who has a solid track record in real estate investment in commercial properties, globally.

So, if you have an opportunity to invest into a commercial property bond issued by an experienced developer with a long track record in London, thereby mitigating your risks and enhancing your returns, doesn’t this make more sense?

Nao Group has established its reputation in London investing in commercial properties and successfully transforming them into coworking spaces. By issuing commercial property investment bonds, we have enabled numerous investors to enjoy the benefits of our success, such as higher investment returns.

Over the years, Nao Group has successfully launched and executed a number of commercial property investment opportunities, with the funds raised from both corporate and individual clients being invested into the coworking market.

But why coworking space?

It is estimated that the new supply of coworking space in London grew by 25% over the last two years.

Yet, many real estate analysts believe that such growth in the coworking market is just the beginning, given that coworking is seen as a worldwide phenomenon. Expectations are that, globally, the stock of flexible office space will triple in size—until gradually representing 5-10% of office inventory in many markets.

Therefore, for anyone looking to invest in the most rapidly growing property sub-sector globally, investing in coworking properties is likely to be the most profitable.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Real vs Artificial Plants - Which One is for You?

Even though artificial plants have objective benefits, and have been used for a while now for both outdoor and indoor landscaping, there are still some people who have second thoughts about purchasing them to beautify either their living or commercial space.
If you don’t know yet what the advantages are of using faux greenery, then take a look at our article about why artificial plants and trees are beneficial for your retail business. You will find there a series of objective benefits that can help you create a better experience for your customers.  

Nevertheless, artificial plants can also be a great way to decorate an office building, giving the workers more connection with the outdoors and with nature. This has been proven to stimulate the brain and help people be more efficient. By using the artificial plants, you get the most of it, with the minimum effort! 

However, all these advantages don’t mean that natural plants don’t bring any added value and they should be permanently excluded. The main idea is to find the right option for your own space and the activities you intend to perform there. So, if you are still confused about which one would suit you better, we have prepared a list to your answer questions.  

Real vs Artificial Plants – a Fair Comparison 

Maintenance: a time-consuming investment

When it comes to choosing which option suits you best, the first question you should ask yourself is whether or not you have the right amount of time to invest in the maintenance of the plants. Lack of proper care taking would lead, in the case of natural plants, to big losses, that would be costly in the long term. You must keep in mind that plant maintenance doesn’t only mean watering the plants every now and then, but also cleaning them of any parasites that might appear, changing the pots and the soil regularly and always making sure that the new size is fit for the place where they are stored. When it comes to real plants, they continuously grow, and their needs will grow with them.  

Article originally published by Planters Artificial. Read the full article here:

How to Optimise Open-plan Offices with Plants

During the tech boom of the 1990s and 2000s, the open plan office was partly embraced to utilise the office space efficiently. Of course, the aesthetic value became so popular that 80% of the U.S offices use the open plan office concept today.

Today, people spend at least 90% of their time indoors, driving designers to incorporate nature in their interior design. Indoor plants have played an essential role in making the open-plan office concept agreeable to many business owners. Studies show that these plants help improve the productivity of workers, remove toxins from the air, and even reduce noise levels. 
From big corporations like Amazon, Microsoft, and Google, to small private offices, the open-plan office concept has been widely adopted. At Facebook, for example, a massive 10-acre greenery campus is used by 2,800 employees. Wanting to interact with nature is in our genes, and this is why the biophilic design has been in every designer’s mind for the past few decades. Biophilic design seeks to create an ideal habitat for people residing in modern concrete structures, communities, and landscapes. With every biophilic design, the evolution of human tendencies over evolutionary time and how this positively affects our health and wellbeing takes centre stage.

Why use office plants?

Because of the ability of indoor plants to revamp work stations, many office designers recommend using them. The use of these plants in offices helps at tweaking the office aesthetically, but more importantly, helps workers connect with nature. This concept further affords the employees increased lighting and larger workspaces. Several studies show that the productivity of employees working among natural elements increases by 6% and their creative ability shoots up by 15%. The wellbeing of such employees increases by an average of 15%. This means fewer sick days and absenteeism for employees.                                              

The innate human desire to be closer to nature means that we can try and counter the disadvantages that open plan design comes with. In a 2010 study conducted by the University of technology, Sydney, it was found that indoor plants help reduce tension and anxiety among employees by up to 37%. The study also found that greenery helps to reduce fatigue in employees by around 38%. 

Article originally published by Planters Group. Read more here:

Tips and Tricks to Improve Productivity in the Workplace

Let’s be honest: keeping productivity up at all times is one of the biggest challenges of modern working life. Waking up early, walking out the door without an actual breakfast, commuting to work and spending 8+ hours at a desk can be exhausting. We can relate.

Hence why we decided to share some of our tips and tricks to improve your productivity in the workplace.

1. Workspace ergonomics

It’s easy to think that providing people with a nice place to work; a desk, a chair and a good Wi-Fi is enough, and to forget how design affects people. But poor office design or ergonomics can have a huge impact on creativity and productivity.

First things first, comfortable office furniture can make a big difference. Ergonomically designed chairs and laptop stands, for example, will help reduce posture-related injuries that are caused by poor workstation design and sitting for prolonged periods of time.

Secondly, a decent amount of breakout areas so people can escape, refresh and keep the burnout away. The prefrontal cortex, aka the “thinking part” of the brain, deals with concentration, logical thinking, executive functioning and builds up the willpower to override impulses. It’s basically the part of the brain that helps you throughout goal-oriented work. Having regular breaks would then help the prefrontal cortex to recharge and refresh and avoid decision fatigue. Having an office space with good breakout areas is, therefore, a must!

Finally, small items such as a foot hammock to hang under your desk, an air humidifier, nice stationery or some indoor plants could help make your work environment a nicer place to be, which always helps to boost productivity!

We have designed our Areaworks spaces with all of these things to ensure you’re working in the perfect workspace!

2. Beat the post-lunch slump!

We’ve all been there. The clock hits 2:00 pm and as energised as you were in the morning, you find yourself yawning or getting easily distracted. Making decisions sounds almost impossible and you start counting down the hours until you can walk out the door. Finding motivation and being productive is one thing, but how do you maintain those productivity levels all day long?

Rather than having another coffee, we suggest going for a walk outside. Fresh air and being physically active will help you be more creative and productive.

Article originally published by Areaworks. Read the full article here.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Real vs Artificial Plants - Which One is for You?

Even though artificial plants have objective benefits, and have been used for a while now for both outdoor and indoor landscaping, there are still some people who have second thoughts about purchasing them to beautify either their living or commercial space.
If you don’t know yet what the advantages are of using faux greenery, then take a look at our article about why artificial plants and trees are beneficial for your retail business. You will find there a series of objective benefits that can help you create a better experience for your customers.  
Nevertheless, artificial plants can also be a great way to decorate an office building, giving the workers more connection with the outdoors and with nature. This has been proven to stimulate the brain and help people be more efficient. By using the artificial plants, you get the most of it, with the minimum effort! 
However, all these advantages don’t mean that natural plants don’t bring any added value and they should be permanently excluded. The main idea is to find the right option for your own space and the activities you intend to perform there. So, if you are still confused about which one would suit you better, we have prepared a list to your answer questions.  

Real vs Artificial Plants – a Fair Comparison 

Maintenance: a time-consuming investment

Plant Maintenance
When it comes to choosing which option suits you best, the first question you should ask yourself is whether or not you have the right amount of time to invest in the maintenance of the plants. Lack of proper care taking would lead, in the case of natural plants, to big losses, that would be costly in the long term. You must keep in mind that plant maintenance doesn’t only mean watering the plants every now and then, but also cleaning them of any parasites that might appear, changing the pots and the soil regularly and always making sure that the new size is fit for the place where they are stored. When it comes to real plants, they continuously grow, and their needs will grow with them.  

Article originally published by Planters Artificial. Read more:

Eye on the Prize: 2020 Trade Shows in KSA & UAE

2020 Exhibition Scene in Saudi & UAE: Playing your best game

Spring is in the air and that means it’s time to get ready for the trade show season. With back to back events scheduled, the 2020 calendar in the region is packed. The UAE and KSA are both major world economies, and companies who participate in trade shows here get multiple opportunities to showcase their products and services, network and establish or cement business contacts. We’ve filtered through the hundreds of events planned during the remainder of 2020 to show you the biggest and best trade shows in UAE and Saudi.

UAE & Saudi Trade Shows 2020

Deciding which trade show to make an appearance at is an important matter. It consumes time and resources, but if done carefully can have an extremely positive impact. We’ve examined the hundreds of 2020 trade fairs organised in the UAE and KSA. We have highlighted a sample of the highest profile events from a variety of industries organised by theme. 

Article originally published by Electra Solutions, a fully integrated solutions provider and production house for events, exhibitions, and environments in the Middle East.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Real vs Artificial Plants - Which One is for You?

Even though artificial plants have objective benefits, and have been used for a while now for both outdoor and indoor landscaping, there are still some people who have second thoughts about purchasing them to beautify either their living or commercial space.
If you don’t know yet what the advantages are of using faux greenery, then take a look at our article about why artificial plants and trees are beneficial for your retail business. You will find there a series of objective benefits that can help you create a better experience for your customers.  
Nevertheless, artificial plants can also be a great way to decorate an office building, giving the workers more connection with the outdoors and with nature. This has been proven to stimulate the brain and help people be more efficient. By using the artificial plants, you get the most of it, with the minimum effort! 
However, all these advantages don’t mean that natural plants don’t bring any added value and they should be permanently excluded. The main idea is to find the right option for your own space and the activities you intend to perform there. So, if you are still confused about which one would suit you better, we have prepared a list of your answer questions.  

Real vs Artificial Plants – a Fair Comparison 

Maintenance: a time-consuming investment

Plant Maintenance
When it comes to choosing which option suits you best, the first question you should ask yourself is whether or not you have the right amount of time to invest in the maintenance of the plants. Lack of proper caretaking would lead, in the case of natural plants, to big losses, which would be costly in the long term. You must keep in mind that plant maintenance doesn’t only mean watering the plants every now and then, but also cleaning them of any parasites that might appear, changing the pots and the soil regularly and always making sure that the new size is fit for the place where they are stored. When it comes to real plants, they continuously grow, and their needs will grow with them.  

How to Optimise Open-plan Offices with Plants

During the tech boom of the 1990s and 2000s, the open plan office was partly embraced to utilise the office space efficiently. Of course, the aesthetic value became so popular that 80% of the U.S offices use the open plan office concept today.

Today, people spend at least 90% of their time indoors, driving designers to incorporate nature in their interior design. Indoor plants have played an essential role in making the open-plan office concept agreeable to many business owners. Studies show that these plants help improve the productivity of workers, remove toxins from the air, and even reduce noise levels. 

From big corporations like Amazon, Microsoft, and Google, to small private offices, the open-plan office concept has been widely adopted. At Facebook, for example, a massive 10-acre greenery campus is used by 2,800 employees. Wanting to interact with nature is in our genes, and this is why the biophilic design has been in every designer’s mind for the past few decades. Biophilic design seeks to create an ideal habitat for people residing in modern concrete structures, communities, and landscapes. With every biophilic design, the evolution of human tendencies over evolutionary time and how this positively affects our health and wellbeing takes centre stage.

Why use office plants?

Because of the ability of indoor plants to revamp work stations, many office designers recommend using them. The use of these plants in offices helps at tweaking the office aesthetically, but more importantly, helps workers connect with nature. This concept further affords the employees increased lighting and larger workspaces. Several studies show that the productivity of employees working among natural elements increases by 6% and their creative ability shoots up by 15%. The wellbeing of such employees increases by an average of 15%. This means fewer sick days and absenteeism for employees.
White Open Plan Office with Plants                                                                           Image Source: Open AD for Greenhouse

The innate human desire to be closer to nature means that we can try and counter the disadvantages that open plan design comes with. In a 2010 study conducted by the University of technology, Sydney, it was found that indoor plants help reduce tension and anxiety among employees by up to 37%. The study also found that greenery helps to reduce fatigue in employees by around 38%. Plants take in carbon dioxide while giving out oxygen, which humans need. In some NASA studies, it was discovered that having plants in offices can help capture harmful elements like benzene and formaldehyde. The biophilic design of an office can also influence job applicants because an increasing number of workers today argue that they would want to work in a greener environment.

Find out how to incorporate plants in your open-plan office here.