Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Top Tips and Future Predictions for Coworking Offices

The number of coworking offices that have opened has literally exploded in the last few years. Current estimates put the global number at over 15,000. This shouldn’t come as a surprise given the volume of new businesses forming around the world. In 2017 alone, over half a million small businesses were formed in the UK.
The need for flexible workplaces is clearly on the rise. If you’ve not worked from a coworking office before, here are some top tips and things for you to consider:

Get in the right zone

There’s often some confusion over what a flexible workplace is. This happens when shared offices and coworking offices get mixed up. Although they sound similar, they are very different.
Shared offices allow you to sublease an office, a floor or even the whole building, if you wish. Most of the leases are for small office spaces in a building that is crammed with other small to medium sized businesses.
Working from a shared office will get you out of your home office and away from the local coffee shop, however they do tend to follow the standard corporate look and feel of beige walls and brown carpets. Not very inspiring! The spaces are also usually closed-off so you’ll most probably be holed up in your office, only meeting others en-route to get your caffeine fix.
Coworking offices, on the other hand, are focused on collaboration and networking. The thinking behind coworking spaces is that businesses thrive in a supportive and open environment. You’ll be pleased to know that there isn’t a tired looking office in sight. In fact, the interiors are just the total opposite of corporate. They all have a personality and character that will help get your creative juices flowing!

Coworking – one size does not fit all

Coworking spaces come in all shapes and sizes. There’s the quirky kind – which have slides, swings, and foosballs. It could be more like a child’s playground than a coworking space, but, if that’s your thing, go for it. You definitely won’t get bored!
For those who want something a little more relaxed, you’ll find spaces that are open, airy, and comfortable. They offer the tools you need to work efficiently; like high speed WiFi, printers, copiers, cosy chairs, (no more sore backs) and quiet zones. For the health conscious, fresh fruit and an array of herbal teas are on offer, and of course, the best quality coffee around!
What’s even more interesting is that the people you’ll find in coworking spaces are as diverse as the spaces themselves. You could find yourself chatting to the owner of the next big tech startup or bumping into the CEO of a big corporation.

Coworking is good for your health

Who would believe it, but remote working has created its own illness. It’s called ‘loneliness epidemic’. You may be inclined to ask, what causes it? Medical practitioners put it down to a lack of human and social interaction. Some professionals are even saying that the consequences of this illness can be as serious as smoking.
Word on the street is that one of the best ways to prevent this is by joining a coworking space in your local community. Spending some time in these places not only helps expand your professional network but is also a great way to get involved with your local community. And let’s not forget that nothing can beat the euphoric feeling you get when you know you’ve had a great day working on the things that you’re passionate about.
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Coworking Office London - Areaworks
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Spaces that change as you do
As the way people work continues to change and adapt, so will coworking spaces. Coworking is now so popular, it even has its own forecast report. Predictably, it’s called ‘The Global Coworking Forecast.’ We’ve got our hands on the latest copy and we picked out a few of our favourite predictions:
More coworking spaces to provide childcare:
It comes as no surprise to us that an increasing number of coworking offices are offering creches. More and more mums, are making the decision to become ‘mumpreneurs’. Plus, more dads are choosing flexible working to create a better work-life balance.
Coworking spaces will offer services provided by local partners:
Creating relationships with local businesses, that in turn benefit the coworking community, will spell the difference between the simply good from the truly brilliant. Members are becoming more and more savvy as to what they expect – and whether these establishments fulfil just a normal wish-list or go above and beyond will be a deciding factor.

Ready? Go for it

Our coworking offices are open, supportive work environments that are designed to make make people feel good. The high ceilings and glass fronted exterior make our spaces feel open and airy. We offer a range of spaces to suit your needs, provide the tools you need to get your work done, and chilled break-out zones are dotted around to help you recharge. We’re also helping our members stay fit and healthy by providing nutritious snacks and offering gym memberships (at some sites) as an add-on to our membership packages.
Areawork’s aim is to make things better than how we found them. In fact, our first space at Manor House was created by turning an empty and unused clothing factory into a collaborative and positive coworking space, that offers great facilities at value for money for the community. Next on the plans is the soon to be opened Hoxton location, and many more after that! Keep an eye on our website for exciting updates or, pop along to one of our spaces and explore what we have to offer. Have a chat and a coffee with our Community Managers – you can’t miss them. They’ll be one with the friendly smile, greeting you when you walk through the door.
Areaworks – we are open, so come on in.
For more information on our coworking offices, you can drop us a line here!

About Areaworks

Areaworks is a provider of open supportive coworking office spaces in accessible areas throughout London. We don’t believe in stuffy central locations, long commutes, impersonal and uptight environments. We believe there’s a better way of working, and we’re here to make it happen: in our areas, with our areas. We believe in opening up communities that inspire progress and open up opportunities. We offer complete turnkey work place solutions for start-ups, creatives, freelancers, and entrepreneurs. We design our desk coworking to feel open, to encourage collaboration and productivity, to inspire you to think differently. Areaworks currently has two coworking spaces in prime London locations. The first resides in Manor House, an area very close to our hearts (and where it all began). Our second space recently opened in Hoxton, one of the fastest growing areas for all things innovation, in London. If you are looking for a coworking space in London, which provides you with the environment and opportunity to collaborate with like-minded individuals, then we have the perfect place for you.

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