Thursday, January 24, 2019


Dubai’s commercial fit out market has experienced a greater demand for office workplaces that meet the expectations of the ‘Millennial Generation’ who are reshaping designs for office fit out in Dubai and the rest of the UAE. This ambitious, tech-savvy generation has notably different working styles and preferences than other generations and place much higher value on the office environment and workplace culture. Designers, architects and workspace experts have started to introduce these principles into their projects to increase user satisfaction and productivity.
Millennials look for collaborative working environments where they can share ideas and learn from their colleagues. As ‘digital natives’ they rely on 24/7 connectivity to technology so they feel less reason to be tied to a desk. Offices that are designed to encourage collaboration via cleverly integrated sharable ‘digital spaces’, such as a top-of-the-range conference rooms, help to foster collaboration and improve creativity and productivity within the workplace.
Transparency is one of the top qualities that Millennials look for in leaders – honest, open cultures where there are limited barriers between management teams. This is reflected in office fit outs in Dubai where the focus is shifting towards open and airy spaces. Glass partitions for office cubicles are increasingly favoured over gypsum partitions. However, these open spaces also need to be balanced with private areas. Millennials want to know their colleagues are always approachable, but also want to enjoy their own privacy when they need to concentrate.
‘Rethinking’ the use of space has fast become a top priority for companies in order to encourage employee engagement. Many Millennials want to feel that their company really cares about their wellbeing and this has seen a rise in the demand for health amenities in the workplace. From yoga rooms, to pantries stocked with free and healthy foods and sleep corners, companies are increasingly understanding the role that the physical environment plays in promoting wellbeing at work.
‘Millennial offices’ are firmly shaping the future of the corporate real estate industry. By 2020 Millennials will form 50% of the global workforce and, according to the World Economic Forum (WEF), the UAE is the top emerging market destination for young professionals looking to further their careers. Interestingly, a survey carried out by HSBC’s private banking arm showed that the UAE has the youngest successful entrepreneurs in the world.
Investing in the office fit out should not be considered an extra cost, but an investment that has a positive impact on employees’ happiness, productivity, and loyalty. This will, in turn, enhance the organisation’s overall success. As Millennials continue to dominate the workforce, companies must adapt to new ways of doing business in order to retain employees and encourage productivity.
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The Green Building regulations, first established by the Dubai Municipality in 2008, will finally be made mandatory for the private sector in early 2014. While this is a welcome introduction in the UAE’s sustainability charter, are we, as an industry, ready yet? Have we educated ourselves enough? Are we prepared for certain changes and uncertain expectations?
Preparation is key if you want to adapt to change quickly and effectively, whether within an organisation or within the industry. Here are a few things we all can and should work on:
1)  Familiarise yourself with the rules: why wait for the regulations to actually come into effect? Let’s use the time to familiarise ourselves and our teams with the rules and project how these will impact our current processes. Use web materials shared by the Dubai Municipality, hear from experts, discuss potential changes with your industry peers and, if you are a developer, find yourself a trusted consultant who can give you the best advice. Organisers of The Big 5 convened a webinar last week in which representatives of the Dubai Municipality presented crucial information about the upcoming regulations and answered questions from attendees.
2)   Define roles and responsibilities: this is something you should do long before regulations actually come into effect to avoid making sudden changes to business processes later. It may involve ironing out both internal and external processes, whether it is deciding who will look after new documentation procedures, who will manage product certifications or how much of the regulation responsibility will be shared by your partners. At Summertown, we’ve learnt that the best way to run a project is to get our employees involved right from the beginning. Form an internal taskforce who will be responsible to both allocate and manage the achievement of environmental goals – this will ensure their ownership and commitment to the task from the very beginning.
3)   Understand that change requires a shift in mind set too – the industry has been asking for mandatory regulation of sustainable building practices for a long time now. However, as this comes into effect, we should not start believing that this is the be all and end all. Regulation is only one step in the right direction for making our community and environment more sustainable for future generations. All of us and, particularly, the design and construction industry, have a civic duty to reduce our environmental footprint. While regulation will ensure better green compliance, sustainability should be a voluntary code we should all practice without further delay.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2019

How a Restaurant Management Company can Save Your Failing F&B business

Owning a restaurant that serves great food sounds like a noble and very enticing idea. But have you checked the statistics on successful restaurants? For a long time, there has been the belief that up to 90% of restaurants don’t run for more than five years. Well, the real figures put it at around 60-70% but a significant number of these restaurants do not even stay successful for the first year. While you may think these are gloomy statistics, sometimes the allure of actually running a restaurant may hide the problems and obligations that come with owning a restaurant. As a result, many business owners do not get to see the second year of a successful enterprise. With the right restaurant management company, however, you can save your business from being among the high number of unsuccessful businesses. But first, here are some signs that your restaurant business may be on the rocks.

Signs that your restaurant business is failing

  • Management shows little apathy

Starting a new restaurant can be one of the greatest joys on earth and most owners or even managers will claim that they put their heart and soul in their new restaurants. This may, however, not be enough if the management of the restaurant does not have a physical presence in the day-to-day running of the business. Why is this a crucial sign of a failing restaurant? The lack of apathy also trickles down to the staff. If the management is not concerned about the business then why should staff members appreciate the business or its clients?
  • Poor customer service

Great customer experience is the main hallmark of any successful business in the service industry. A restaurant that offers poor customer service is a ticking time bomb and it will not take long before even the regular customers seek services elsewhere. A business is less likely to fail if they can offer excellent or even average customer service.
  • Your menu is not updated

Minor issues in your menu are likely to tick off even the most loyal clients in your restaurant business. Failing to update your menu items and prices is a sure sign of a failing business. Although you put in a lot of effort in providing excellent food and service to your clients, a good restaurant always takes care of these small issues too. Ensure your manager is on top of things or get a reputed restaurant consulting company to assist you.
  • Poor location

Having the best cuisines and customer service under the sun will not save your failing business if it has a bad location. Why is this so important? The location of your restaurant will ultimately decide who accesses your premises and how often they do so. Although changing your location may not be a possible solution, knowing that your location hinders your success is the first step in improving your performance.
  • A reduction in quality of services

The reduction of quality or even quantity of services can easily be a sign that your business is on the rocks. Did your restaurant start pouring smaller quantities of wine than they did when opening? Maybe you served 8 pieces in your sushi roll but it is now reduced to 6 but you still charge the same price. This may seem to be a way of cutting costs but it means that the business has not been doing well.

Why Restaurant Businesses are Failing?

1. Finances

The surest way to ensure that your business fails in its first few months is to ignore the importance of finances in running the business. This is also a double-edged sword as having inadequate funds for running the business will lead to a quick restaurant closure while also investing too much in your restaurant business may eat into your cash flow. However, one common issue between these two concepts is that you will ultimately lack the cash flow to run your business.
Sure, having the best (priciest) interior designer or kitchen equipment will enhance your customer experience but is it really necessary? Many restaurant owners will overspend even before they open their business but the extra expenses may not be that necessary. Remember that most restaurants do not start making money right off the bat and it is important to have a financial cushion that will help you take care of your bills before you break even.

2. An inexperienced management

You may have the best intentions when opening your restaurant but this may not be enough to sustain a successful restaurant. Recognizing and appreciating the demands or even standards required when running a restaurant is not always clear to new owners. Even when it becomes clear, it is often too late. For example, being a new restaurant owner may require you to prepare food or clean the toilets for the first few months but it is also important to have a view of the bigger picture. Although you need to keep tabs with the day-to-day running of the restaurant, focusing too much on the smaller picture will lead to business failure.
Restaurant management company - Image of restaurant staff packing food
This means that you should understand the art and importance of delegating some tasks and keeping in touch with the larger operations of the business. Have a well-rounded view of your restaurant to ensure that no single aspect of the business such as accounting is letting you down. It is impossible to be experienced when you have never managed a restaurant before so the best thing is to learn from the experts. Alternatively, find the best restaurant management services and you’ll eventually see the importance of good management in a restaurant.

3. A lazy management

Opening up a restaurant takes up a lot of work and most managers will readily put in the hours required to ensure that the grand opening takes place. It is also not too uncommon to find restaurant owners who take the back seat once the restaurant is up and running. The only thing that is worse than an inexperienced management is a lazy management.
Most new managers believe that restaurants run themselves or that the opening of the restaurant is the most difficult part. Showing up late or not showing up at all for work is similar to burning your restaurant down.

4. Poor and Inconsistent customer service

Don’t you just love customer service that you can always count on? Clients, in this day and age, are pickier than ever and will not hesitate to give your restaurant a bad review if they experience poor customer service. At times, your customer service may be great but the lack of consistency on your part may still lead to failure. A significant number of new restaurant managers invest huge sums in opening the restaurant but still fail to train their staff.
Ensure that your servers learn the art of communication, especially to clients that may seem difficult. You may lose a client because of a negative Yelp review even if there were hundreds of positive reviews before it. Also, ensure that you have someone to welcome or even address the needs of each client. After all, excellent customer service will determine whether you survive your first few years of operating.

5. Little to no advertising

A common myth among new managers is that restaurant owners need to pay little attention to advertising and marketing but it couldn’t be further from the truth. As more restaurants get opened across the world, the need for proper advertising cannot be more apparent. A good marketing campaign will not only increase the number of customers but will also help to enhance your brand’s image.
Another myth is that restaurants need to invest huge sums in advertising to increase their invisibility. However, a good social media campaign or even word of mouth campaign is sufficient and costs little investment. Don’t know where to start? Good hospitality management companies in Dubai can help you with your marketing efforts.

6. Bad location

The importance of a good location to a restaurant should not be understated. While you are likely to think about the physical presence of your restaurant when you think about location, location can mean a lot of things. These include:
  • Limited parking- A client who does not find a good parking space is likely to look for another restaurant with better parking regardless of the quality of your food.
  • Being out of touch with your clients- Having a meat-based cuisine in an area that mostly comprises of vegan clients will lead to the quick death of your restaurant business.
  • Competition- Offering the best service is a sure way to win over your competition but not when they offer the same meals at half the cost.
  • Visibility- Clients will turn you down or fail to see your business if you are far away from the street.
The only way to avoid such problems is to address the issue of location before you open your business doors. Restaurant consultants can help you address such issues when drawing up the restaurant business plan.

7. Accounting practices

A sure way to ensure that your business fails is by failing to pay attention to standard accounting practices. Restaurants usually operate on small or right margins that it becomes necessary to ensure that you pay to important aspects of accounting in the business. Always remember to keep an eye on your cash flow to ensure that some of the big expenses such as paying employees and purchasing ingredients are not neglected as these always determine the success or failure of a business in the hospitality industry. Double checking everything in your books may be tiresome but it will save you a lot by preventing financial issues. Employing a CPA to ensure that everything is in the right place may be the only thing you need to rescue your business.

8. Hiring practices and bad partner relations

Is any employee constantly serving still in your restaurant? If so, then your business is overstaffed. Having two servers and three idle cooks means that you are probably paying more in payroll costs than you should. To have a successful restaurant, you should have a strong team of competent individuals in the restaurant. A common rule is that no job is too insignificant to have an unfit person performing it. Your employees will mostly determine the identity and direction of your restaurant’s brand.
Sharing the ownership of the restaurant with a partner also introduces different dynamics to the management of the business, especially if the business partners have close family or friendship ties. Romantic ties make it even more difficult to run a successful partnership. A number of restaurants ultimately fail because the partners are unable to resolve disputes amicably. A good partnership should recognize the roles of each partner and define a specific way of resolving disputes.

Addressing these challenges in your failing F&B business

It is impractical to highlight the reasons why businesses fail without offering solutions to address the said challenges. It is also impossible to acquire the experience of managing a successful restaurant overnight, hence the need to get restaurant management services. So, what is the role of a restaurant management company in Dubai? You may ask.
Restaurant Management Company - Image of a Staff Being Trained

1. Overseeing the administrative aspects of your restaurant

A lot of work is necessary for ensuring that your business is up and running each day and this is exactly what restaurant managers do, they take care of the administrative functions required to make your restaurant a success. Some of these functions include;
  • Outlining the list of services offered in the restaurant
  • Setting and maintaining the standard of staff performance and duties
  • Recording and overseeing the inventory of the restaurant
  • Maintaining the quality of food, services and even the sanitary condition of the restaurant
  • Cost control management and trust is crucial. Management company would ensure there are no “leaks” – managing cash coming in and going out, as well as the food consumption and wastage.

2. Creating and implementing marketing strategies

A good restaurant managing company will take care of your advertising and marketing as you focus on creating the best food and services for your clients. They will develop promotional campaigns while also organizing relevant events for your clients. This will not only improve your brand on a long-term basis but also improve business in the short term.

3. Managing restaurant staff

The importance of a good workforce is one of the integral aspects of restaurant management and a successful business should not overlook this. Restaurant consultants will help you hire the best staff as well as supervise your current workforce. They will not only help you hire the right employees for your business but also help train them to meet your desired standards.

4. Organizing a good network of vendor

Your food is only as good as your vendors and this is one of the primary roles of restaurant management. Your restaurant manager should organize and coordinate the supplies arrangement of your business to ensure you have reliable delivery of food and beverages.

5. Ensuring food and health standards are maintained

As a restaurant, adhering to food and even health standards can save you from a lot of legal squabbles. A restaurant management company will help you to address reported incidents, oversee maintenance of your premises and help you access the proper certifications for the staff.

Added benefits of hiring a restaurant management company

A restaurant management company will identify some of the challenges that your business faces and address them before they become fatal. For example, a restaurant management business can easily highlight staff costs or energy faucets that are causing you financial losses and give solutions to the problems. Customer relations is also an added benefit of employing a restaurant management company. The amount of value that these companies bring is enough to justify the affordable restaurant management company fees. Furthermore, these firms can also help you save on taxes as you can get tax deductions for the services they offer.


In summary, restaurant management companies in Dubai help alleviate some of the stress and challenges of running a restaurant. As a business owner, it is important that you focus on some of the important aspects of the business such as offering great food and customer service to your client and leave the technical aspects of running the business to an experienced restaurant manager.
There is a myriad of benefits of using restaurant consultancy services and you will never regret the decision to hire one. New restaurant owners should get the services of restaurant consulting companies to help shed some light on the norms and practices that make a restaurant successful in the first few years of operation. Experienced restaurant owners can also use this service to automate a number of functions in the company. However, it is also important that you find a reputable firm that can help your business recover. With more than 50 years of experience in the restaurant management niche, Glee Hospitality can offer you a comprehensive experience in managing and helping to recover your failing restaurant business. The company also has a strong regional presence in the Middle East, which ensures that we understand your demography.
So, if you feel that your F&B business is in trouble or just want to make sure that it will get through the first critical years, contact us for assistance.

Top Strategies in Franchise Brand Development

Building a brand that captures the enthusiasm of consumers and creating a perfect blend of autonomous franchise brand development plus strategic management can be an uphill task, especially when you’re new to the field. The problem escalates even further when you’re not familiar with different industry strategies for building such a brand. It can become even more devastating when you set up such a brand only for it to crumble and fail.
In fact, one of the toughest challenges of franchise brands is being able to maintain their brand identity while at the same time, outsourcing it to the franchisees. With the current ease of access to information, brands are always at the brink of losing their credibility, much so the franchise brands. If a franchisee business deviates from laid out rules and procedures of offering your service, your brand suffers the most.
To that end, it is imperative for franchise brand managers and owners to have strategic knowledge on franchise brand development and effective ways to avoid mutual exclusion with the franchisees. Explained below are ways to start a franchise business model and scale it up to be among successful franchise models of the world.

How to start a Franchise Business Model

As you embark on your franchise brand development, it is important to note that as with any business, challenges will occur. Ensuring that you plan ahead accordingly and you are knowledgeable about your market will help you mitigate some of those challenges.

1. Identify your niche

Your number one goal when starting out a franchise brand is to have as many franchisees as possible. After all, they are your “customers.” As such, being cognisant with your market requirements and their pain points can be a good starting point. Ideally, you want a niche that can scale up with time. In most cases, service industries seem to offer the best franchise models. Restaurants and food chains especially, have a high rate of success rate. Talk about McDonald’s, KFC, and different pizza chains.
A good niche is one that most franchisees will jump on to and be guaranteed of high sales. Good thing is that statistics on successful franchise models are on their side. The success rate of these models is 91%. That is not to say competition is low. You will have to be creative and come up with different strategies that resonate with your target consumers. Sell them a solution that will cater for their pain point while making your brand stand out from the rest.

2. Build your unique product

Having identified the niche you’re most comfortable with, the second task is having a product that will stand out from the rest, and that will knock the competition off their feet. This in effect has the ability to attract more franchisees as more customers will increase the demand for your product. More sales to your franchisees means more royalties to your brand. While on that note, having unique brand identifiers that are simple to remember and attractive gives you a competitive edge against your competitors. A case in point is the double arches of McDonald’s – simple, yet so remarkable and recognised worldwide. That’s what you want.

3. Outline requirements for Franchisees

In most cases, franchisees will want to own their businesses fully and unlink themselves from you. It is therefore befitting that you have stringent measures to avoid this and to keep them in your brand. While at it, do not exert too much pressure or it will become unattractive to most of them. The key here is hitting up on those major requirements that will keep them providing your products while ensuring the royalties trickle down. Keep in mind that successful franchise models are those that accord their franchisees freedom to run their own businesses while still honing in on that franchise business model. Involve a lawyer in designing up the contracts to ensure everything is well laid out legally and to prevent franchisees from exploiting your brand.

4. Select the right locations

One of the key aspects of franchise brand development is ensuring that the businesses are located in strategic locations. Consumers should be able to reach them easily without any frustration. To maximise on profits, selecting places with good infrastructures and high population gives a competitive edge. Also, locations with high-income earners tend to be the best as prices stop being an issue and service delivery and experience become the main differentiator in the market. Franchisees should be made to understand that they’re restricted to certain locations and with time, as you scale up, other locations can be allowed.

5. Offer advice and support to Franchisees

If all of the above have been done, don’t let the businesses flow alone. Offer advice and lend a listening ear. Be supportive and provide technical skills to the franchisees. In fact, avail them tools for marketing and advertising in order to advance their franchise businesses. In any case, you’re the brand manager, and they’re your customers. It is an inverted pyramid, unlike most business models. They win, you win.

Strategies for building a successful franchise brand

Malongo Restaurant Design Glee Hospitality Trends Consultants Dubai
Now you have set up your franchise brand. There are various strategies that you can execute to ensure that your brand becomes a success. Such include building a consistent brand image, being corporative, being emotionally engaging with your franchisees, and being rational in making business decisions that affect franchisees. All these explained in much detail down below.

1. Building a consistent brand image

Consumers have built in themselves an expectation of predictability. A brand that is not consistent with its services, its appearance, its level of services, and quality of product almost always falls out with the consumers. It’s guaranteed to fail. Consumers want to have the same level of quality or even better every time they visit your franchise.
Ensuring that this same level of expectation is ingrained in the franchisees and that they deliver the same quality level every time or even better is important to ensure success of the business. It is important, however, to note that franchisees, in most cases, do not have skills in brand management. Therefore, providing guidelines on how to achieve this is paramount, lest it will be futile.

2. Be corporative

Ensuring that you understand the franchisees’ pain points and their challenges can be a good way to build corporation among you. Honing in on this strategy, you should ensure that you listen to their cries and needs and act accordingly and collaboratively in coming up with solutions.
Being corporative allows you to have indirect control of the franchisees and gets you involved in their business decisions giving you the ability to influence the direction they take. Employing this strategy in your franchise brand development will not only ensure a strong rapport built with the franchisee, but you will also create genuine trust among them with your brand.

3. Educate franchisees

As stated earlier, most franchisees don’t have an understanding on running successful franchise business models. Having a web portal, for instance, with various resources and tools that they can employ can prove beneficial to your brand. Availing different training workshops where they gain various skills on advancing their businesses is important to having successful franchise models.
On top of equipping them with business skills, make sure they understand the ramifications of deviating from the brand guidelines, rules and the consequences. Make them understand the dos and don’ts of your brand and how each impacts the customers’ loyalty to your brand.

4. Be emotionally engaging with your franchisees

Being able to foster a relationship with your franchisees is key to franchise brand development. Having them be emotionally attached to your brand can build loyalty and trust to your brand. This can be achieved through rewarding successful franchisees, engaging in relevant roundtable franchise discussions, and constant communication strategy to always be listening to their needs and complaints in order to improve the general outlook of your brand.

5. Be rational

While setting up guidelines and procedures for franchisees, avoid making them rigid and too strict. Avoid harsh decisions that may constrict franchisees business and that may foster bad blood between brand managers and customers. Use common sense when coming up with solutions that are humanely rational and do not come out as overly harsh. If a franchisee’s building doesn’t look, say, a certain way as per the guidelines, make an exception honestly, as long as it won’t affect consumer’s loyalty to your brand.

Wrapping Up the Tips for Successful Franchise Brand Development

Having these strategies balanced out well in your franchise brand development can go a long way in fostering loyalty and trust with your franchisees. Being emotionally engaged with them, corporative, and rational will not only show off your desires of seeing them succeed, it gives them the assurance that you’re looking out for them.
In any case, your number one goal should be to foster trust and loyalty, and consequently, this makes the franchisees follow the guidelines and rules of the brand to the latter. Availing them with tools to advance their business has the advantage of increasing your brand awareness scope consequently leading to higher sales and higher revenue.

Need Help in Building Your Franchise Business

Starting a franchise business in the UAE, GCC or all over the Middle East countries has become more challenging nowadays as the leading F&B brands have dominated the market. You need a unique restaurant concept with a product that customers will love in order for your franchise business to pierce through the competition.
If you need assistance on how to start a franchise business or anything about hospitality or restaurant consulting, Glee Hospitality Solutions can offer a hand. They are a franchise and restaurant consultancy company, mainly focusing in the Middle East countries and London with extensive experience in the hospitality domain to guide you in your requirements. From purchasing master franchises to general guidance on setting one, their skills pits them against no one and are happy to assist you along the way. Choose the best to have the best. Contact Gleetoday.

Sunday, January 20, 2019


A Reflection on 2018 Trends

In January 2018, we reviewed what we thought was going to be the most important sustainable office fit out trendsof 2018. Our predictions turned out to be prescient and many of the projects we initiated or completed during 2018 incorporated the three main trends identified:
  1. The Smart (er) office – increased use of technology within sustainable office fit out
  2. Dynamic Spaces: Modularity, Adaptability & Flexibility – focusing on more efficient and flexible use of office space
  3. Biophilia: increasing incorporation of elements derived from nature into the office environment
For 2019, we anticipate a further evolution and refinement of the 2018 trends but with even more explicit focus on the intertwined elements of sustainability, employee well-being, flexible working and biophilic and digital elements.

Summertown’s Top 5 Sustainable Office Fit Out Trends for 2019

In no particular order; these office interior fit out trends are all inter-related, all with a view of enhancing the workplace for people and the environment in 2019 and beyond.

1.    Digital

Digital transformation is here and only some businesses have well-defined strategies for implementing digital transformation. Part of a digital transformation strategy needs to include the office workplace and addressing the challenge of incorporating technology into them that enhances employee’s engagement and productivity. Workplaces need to be adapted to incorporate both physical technology as well as creating smart workspaces that enhance collaborative work activities, and core concentration areas.
Another dramatic shift in the nature of work is Big Data, AI and robotics gaining more traction in the workplace, replacing routine and manual tasks. The coming economic disruption will be wide-ranging and deep-rooted. Already, many kinds of jobs are becoming obsolete. Human work is being redefined to focus more on analysis, creativity and insight. According to CIO magazine, digital technologies are empowering employees to shift their efforts to higher-value activities. [1] The spaces and times where this creative, knowledge work takes place are also changing.

2.    Biophilia

Biophilia and sustainable office design are similar but not interchangeable approaches. Sustainable office fit out focuses on protecting the environment by using green building materials, managing resource consumption and reducing harmful emissions; while biophilia focuses on incorporating elements from nature into design to benefit human health and wellbeing. The most sustainable offices will incorporate biophilic elements and the reverse. Biophilia means using more natural materials, like wood, stone, hemp, fibre, and others, as well as introducing features that reflect or mimic nature, like plants, water fountains and moss walls.
One of the most effective ways to increase occupant health in buildings is to provide natural lighting. Studies indicate that not only does exposure to sunlight have direct medical benefits, it is the main source of Vitamin D, but it also improves mood and concentration. [2]
For 2019, we see more offices continuing to incorporate natural elements into the design of office features, including the extensive use of biophilic design elements. Colour palettes will also be inspired by nature, so we see more neutral, sand and earthy tones. Another major trend that is related to Biophilia will be the incorporation of local design elements and motifs to root offices within their surrounding culture. [3]

3.    Health & Wellbeing

Gensler, one of the world’s most high-profile design firms expressed the changing focus of design in this way: “We believe human experience is the future of design. People are the one constant in this era of dramatic technological change, demographic shifts, global volatility and climate change”. [4] In the coming year, we also see that office fit out will be re-focusing on employees’ physical and emotional needs.
As one of the UAE’s leading office fit out contractors, we have always been at the forefront of innovations in the area of sustainability. We understand that a focus on sustainability would be incomplete if it did not also include taking care of employees’ health, through providing healthy fit out using non-toxic materials, ensuring clean air flow, and proper ventilation, creating specific areas for eating, rest and reflection.
But it also means more than this. In 2018, we were honoured to win the Happiness@Work Award for “Best Workplace Wellness Program”. Our program was designed to improve the health, and well-being of our employees by including regular yoga sessions, mindfulness workshops and healthy meals. Since implementing this program, we have observed improvements in employee engagement and productivity. [5]
Employee health and happiness leads to more productive and high functioning organisations. Small workplace changes like provisioning for employee control over temperature and employee choice of working space can have enormous benefits in attracting and retaining top talents.

4.     Co-working, Hybrid Spaces, & Comfort Create Agility

Technological innovations providing seamless connectivity and remote working are also allowing offices to include different kinds of space to accommodate different working styles. Co-working, where independent workers share a common space, is now a booming global trend. Co-working and micro-office setups are popping up everywhere in UAE.
The benefits of “agile” working are also being adopted by more traditional companies. This is a design and fit out approach allows companies to use space more fully and efficiently, while also adapting to suit the different needs and working styles of a more heterogeneous workforce. The concept is to incorporate spaces for individual concentration, areas for group-based work as well as spaces for rest and relaxation, while providing a warmer and more welcoming atmosphere.

5.    Green Certification

The UAE is one of the top 10 countries outside the US in terms of LEED certifications, the world’s best known and most widely recognised green building rating system. [6] At the same time, local certifications are also gaining in popularity. As companies become more convinced of the importance and social, economic and environmental benefits of sustainable fit out, we anticipate that there will be a growing demand for official fit out certifications. As discussed in a previous post, “Green” certifications assure clients that contractors are following the most up to date environmental standards throughout the fit out cycle including sourcing, and production of materials, installation, maintenance and clean up. They also offer up clear evidence to the outside world of a company’s commitment to and willingness to invest in the achievement of sustainable goals.
One of our goals by 2020 is to achieve the WELL Building Standard accreditation, which is the first standard focusing exclusively on the health and wellness of people in buildings. We are now WELL-registered and are aiming to complete the certification process for our office interior in Dubai. And, we are sure that many more companies will follow in 2019.

Sustainable Office Fit Out: More than just another Design Trend

During 2018 we have extensively discussed in our insight posts The UAE and Dubai’s increasing focus on sustainability, especially the government’s new initiatives, regulations and guidelines designed to drive both companies and private citizens to become more aware of and more involved in safeguarding environmental resources for future generations. This year, perhaps, more than any before, the warnings of an approaching climate catastrophe, have become even more terrifying. Governments, agencies, companies and private individuals around the world are becoming convinced of the absolute necessity for us to act on a huge scale to contain global warming.
For sustainable office design, these are the two most important and persistent themes: environmental sustainability, and work transformation. The who, what, where and how of work is changing due to digital transformation, wide-ranging economic forces, demographic pressures and environmental concerns. Office fit out is not only responding to these changes but helping to define them. Every year, we become more certain that creating a sustainable office is more than a passing trend. It is an expression of a change in the philosophy and value system of businesses, especially in the forward-thinking atmosphere of UAE.  For us, sustainability is part of our ethos, our philosophy and our value system. We try to integrate sustainable concerns into every aspect of our work while helping our clients to see the tangible benefits to be gained from investing in sustainable design and interior office fit out.

Website: Summertown


This year’s edition of the Little Green Data Book by World Bank Group, the highly reputable reference on key environmental data for over 200 economies, welcomed the inclusion of two new indicators on ambient air pollution.
Worryingly, the findings highlighted that in many countries, exposure to air pollution is increasing at a fast rate and has in fact become the main environmental threat to health. In the UAE, the emphasis on air quality is treated as a serious matter which is led by the Ministry of Environment and Water.
Although the results of both new indicators for the UAE proved to be much higher than the World Health Organisation’s recommended guidelines, the Ministry has been working hard to combat the issue and continue to improve the region’s air quality. For example, the introduction of a further eleven air quality monitoring stations are to be built as part of a new monitoring system called UAE Air Quality Network.
Although this is a commendable feat for the UAE, we believe that it is also just as important to raise awareness of indoor air pollution and put in place controls to reduce it. According to the Dubai Municipality’s Public Health and Safety Department, “people spend an average of 90 per cent of their time indoors”. Therefore, tackling indoor air pollution is a necessity, as the pollutants indoors can be just as high as outdoors and can cause harm to both the family home and working environment.
For example, indoor air quality invariably impacts the overall working atmosphere of any office space. If indoor air is polluted, employees are more likely to feel sick and uncomfortable, resulting in a negative impact on productivity levels. Indoor air can be polluted by a number of factors ranging from furniture materials used, a lack of proper housekeeping or even as a result of occupants’ activities.
What we have found is that it is also important to ensure the building or office occupancy quota does not exceed standards in workspace design as the extra bodies will impact air quality. Pollution caused by poor quality furniture and fixtures can be easily avoided by specifying or installing products and materials with low or no Volatile Organic Compound levels.
When it comes to maintenance and housekeeping works, be sure to use cleaning products that are environmentally friendly. Those that do not tend to cause micro levels of air contamination. Occupants’ activities such as smoking close to the building can be easily taken care of by ensuring designated smoking areas are away from the building.
Air pollution can also be caused by a general lack of fresh air supply. Having the right ventilation system design at the time of construction and, an operation and maintenance policy that is adhered to, will help to monitor supply of fresh air. At our LEED Gold certified showroom, sensors have been installed in closed meeting areas to ensure fresh air is pumped in when carbon dioxide levels are high. In this way, we have been able to provide 30% more fresh air in our offices than ASHRAE standards.
During the construction of our office we ensured we used low-emitting adhesives, paints and sealants, certified eco-friendly system furniture and seating, and implemented a two-week flush-out period before occupancy.
While we don’t have specific research to prove this, it is logical to say that indoor air quality can be harmed if the level of pollution outdoors is high. If your workspace is located in an industrial area or even within a busy city where the air is more polluted, it is likely to damage air quality indoors, especially if you are trying to pump in ‘fresh air’ from the outside.
Looking ahead, we are confident that decreasing air pollution will be a high priority for the Ministry of Environment and Water. However, it is important to note that it is not only the government’s responsibility, but all segments of society.
From small to large businesses, we all have a part to play — a part that can be beneficial for the business, the community in which it exists, and the planet as a whole.

Website: Summertown

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Hospitality Consultancy in Saudi Arabia

According to a 2018 report by Arabian Travel Market, the Saudi Arabian hospitality sector is slated to grow at a rate of 13.5% compound annual growth rate each year to 2022. Restaurateurs looking to set up their businesses can therefore do so with confidence with the market showing promising prospects. However, this may not be the case with every new restaurant and hotel business. Restaurateurs that are not savvy about the demographics of the GCC’s market or who don’t know how to traverse it, stand to lose the most. Taking this into consideration, for restaurateurs and hoteliers to have a successful business, they need to have professionals who have extensive experience in this sector as well as skills in setting up successful restaurant and hotel businesses.
Restaurant Foods
To that end, hospitality consultancy in Saudi Arabia not only becomes a necessary service to employ but a must have one. The Saudi Arabian market, and the Middle East in general, is a very diverse one. Hoteliers and restaurateurs need professional hospitality consultants to help them set up their businesses.
The work of restaurant consultants in Saudi Arabia is to provide advice in setting up the restaurant on matters around location, menu generation, décor, hotel design, marketing strategies, exit strategies, and many more that the restaurant itself can’t handle alone. They bring to the table a wealth of experience and a wide scope of knowledge having been involved in a plethora of businesses’ growth curves.

Who needs Hospitality Consultancy in Saudi Arabia?

Basically, as long as you are an aspiring hotel owner or you already own a hotel, then employing hospitality consultancy services in Saudi Arabia is your best bet in conquering the industry. Here is a list of the people who need these services.

1. Budding hospitality businesses

When starting up your hotel business in Saudi Arabia, you need someone who’s already been there, seen that, and done that. You need a guiding hand to guide you in traversing the complex market. Hoteliers and restaurateurs who are new in the market have a low success rate when they do not have experienced professionals to help with their business. Hospitality management companies in Saudi Arabia will guide and set you on a success trajectory. Their networks in the Kingdom can help you set up relationships and to find competitive suppliers of various commodities needed to see the hotel succeed.

2. Failing Restaurants and hotels

Hospitality companies in Saudi that are on a downward trajectory are a perfect candidate for hospitality consultancy services. Incurring losses, losing employees, customer complaints, and poor service delivery are all signs of a failing hospitality business. When suppliers start defaulting because of late payments, then the business is set to fail. To subvert this, bringing in hospitality consultants is a must.

3. Ambitious hotel owners

Ambitious hoteliers and restaurateurs who want to see their business grow massively fall in this category too as hospitality consultancy services in Saudi Arabia can offer just that. Their extensive experience and knowledge about the market places them right in the middle of the success equation. They have skilled and professional individuals who know the ins and outs of the hospitality sector. They understand what the market needs and how to cater for these needs.

4. Established hotels and restaurants

Finally, established hospitality companies in Saudi can also benefit from hospitality consultancy. Being established doesn’t mean you have exhausted all opportunities and grown maximally. Hospitality consultants can stretch your growth even more on things that might have been overlooked. For instance, they can help tap into newer markets, help strategize future product concepts. Even more so, the hospitality and restaurant consultants have deep networks in the Saudi markets and can open newer opportunities for the business and help maintain your growth.

What do hospitality management companies in Saudi Offer?

With a 13.5% compound annual growth rate, the hospitality industry becomes one of the most lucrative industries in Saudi. However, this does not translate to any business out there. Only the ones with the zeal, the skills, the network, and the right minds to traverse the market stand a chance. The industry can be a tough nut to break especially when you’re new.
Hiring the restaurant consultant services becomes a best bet if you want to reap the full fruits of this industry. F&B consultants can make or break your business. It’s how you select the hospitality consultancy of your choice that determines how you will reap these fruits. So what do they offer to ensure success becomes your portion?

1. Branding

Branding is a crucial and important aspect for any business. It tells consumers what your business is all about and why they should buy from your business. It sets you apart from your competition and gives you a competitive edge if done correctly. It’s the image that your company portrays out there. Professional consulting services are able to come up with exemplary brand strategies that guarantee positive brand outlook as well as attracting customers. Especially in the early stages, branding can make or break your business.

2. Concept Development

Some hospitality consultants have been in the industry for long periods and they, therefore, have knowledge about the markets, customer behavior, trends, and solutions to various problems. They can help your business come up with attractive product concepts. This will help you create products that resonate with your consumers as well as guarantee you success. Even more so, they advise on product marketing, design and strategies to penetrate even the deepest uncharted markets, thus increasing your foothold.

3. Growth Strategies

Any hotelier or restaurateur will tell you that setting up a restaurant or hotel is not their end goal. They want to see the business flourish and grow beyond their expectations. With hospitality consultancy services in Saudi, they can come up with strategies to help grow the business exponentially given their knowledge on the market trends and consumer behavior.

4. Exit strategies

Setting up hospitality companies in Saudi is not a walk in the park. It comes with a myriad of challenges, some of which, if left unsolved, can be detrimental to your business. In other cases, it becomes imminent that the business will not sprout up and succeed. In such cases, you need to exit the market strategically without hurting yourself financially. Such scenarios call for professional restaurant consulting firms that have extensive experience to provide you with exit strategies. They will raise the alarm when the business seems to fail and offer you strategies to exit the market without causing ripples, saving you from incurring losses.

5. Social media and public relations

For any business, public relations is an important aspect in ensuring your business maintains a good rapport with both consumers and authorities. As stated, hospitality consultants have knowledge about consumer preferences and market trends. They can therefore help with building positive images with different social media strategies that resonate with consumers and utilize the mass media to put the message across. This is a recipe for success.

6. Staff recruitment and training

For the hospitality industry which is mainly a human-driven service sector, management and recruitment of staff becomes very valuable for any hospitality company. Your staff can help your brand establish a good image or do just the exact opposite. They run the business and are the front-liners of your business. If consumers complain about poor services, it has to do with your staff. Restaurant consultants can also provide staff recruitment and training ensuring that you get the best staff in your hospitality or F&B business. They also offer training for staff to equip them with skills and align them with the market trends.
Rice Creamery Menu Options

7. Menu Development or Refreshment

Another recipe for successful hospitality companies is well-developed menu and refreshment as well as recreational services. F&B consultants ensure that your hotel or restaurant matches up to consumer demands and trends. This way, you can always be ahead of competition and establish your foothold as an industry leader. Even more so, consumers gravitate towards a business that caters for their needs specifically.

8. Financial Systems & Accounting

Keeping financial records and having efficient financial systems in any business is necessary for it to be able to plan ahead and make financial decisions. Hospitality management companies have products and services to help you in maintaining your financial records and in planning your financial expenditure. This way, you can be able to focus on implementing your ideas and strategies without worrying about the financial aspect, which will be well taken care of.

9. Restaurant Design

The design of your restaurant or hotel can benefit from hospitality consultancy. They have knowledge on market, design trends and their extensive experience enables them to come up with ideas that will give your business a competitive edge. They will guide you on how to utilize your space, how to arrange the interior as well as the décor, maximizing on the incentive of the appearance to give good customer experiences. Most hotel goers want to be in a hotel that looks exquisite and refreshing, and that’s what hospitality consultants will help you achieve.

Why hiring hospitality consultancy company in Saudi Arabia guarantees success for hotels and restaurants

1. They’re experienced

Companies offering hospitality consultancy in Saudi Arabia are well versed on the industry intricacies and therefore know where the shoe hurts the most. They have been there, seen that and done that. They have catered for various hotel and restaurant owners and can transfer their knowledge to your business. They know what the market needs, they know the consumer preferences, and can predict what to expect in the future. They can help set you up for a success trajectory given a chance. If you’re a new business, experience is what you lack most, and you can get just that with hospitality consultants.

2. Teamwork

When you hire an individual consultant, you’re most likely going to miss out on important aspects and services that hiring restaurant consultant companies can provide. They have different talent pools that specialize on various aspect of the business to come up with an overall strategy for the success of your business. Different talents contribute different ideas, brainstorm and pick up the best ones that suit the business. You’re guaranteed of not only one, or two minds, but a large team working towards a common goal. This way, your business benefits in all fronts.

3. Network

Saudi Arabia is a large and extensive market. It’s diverse with different market trends and demands. Companies offering hospitality consultancy in Saudi Arabia have built up networks over the years that can prove beneficial to your hospitality company. They can help you secure the best suppliers at competitive prices, direct you to the best manufacturers, and help you in acquiring licenses from government and establishing relationships with different key stakeholders in the industry.

4. Knowledge about the market

Hospitality consultants have mastered the market trends, know the ins and outs of the Saudi Arabian market, and bring to the table strategies to tap these opportunities. Having the right hospitality consultancy company will help you align your business to the market needs, setting you up on a trajectory to success.

Why Glee is the best hospitality consultancy company in Saudi Arabia

Glee Hospitality Solutions Team Meeting
Glee Hospitality Solutions has more than 8 years of experience and has established itself as a leading hospitality consultancy in Saudi Arabia. They offer end-to-end solutions and proven expertise in restaurant concept development, and restaurant management of outlets across the wider Gulf. They are experts in providing full turnkey solutions covering the entire spectrum of hospitality industry.
With Glee, you can be certain that your restaurant company in Saudi stand a chance to grow and succeed. They have a team of professional consultants all with experience in the hotelier industry. Their skills and knowledge supersede other consultants and their ability to work as a team guarantees you solutions and ideas to deal with major challenges.
Their wide network in the gulf market also creates a precedence for success as they know where to pinch and where to soothe to give your hotel and restaurant business the success it deserves. They are pioneers in developing homegrown restaurant concepts and products matching the market demands and consumer preferences. Some brands they have worked on include Harry’s Pizza in Riyadh and Fushi in Khobar for their operational and franchise manuals, Rice Creamery Franchise, Al Bao for their food truck concept development and TAMU in Jeddah for their chocolate bar concept.

Current hospitality consultancy projects of Glee in Riyadh

1. Black Spoon

Black Spoon LogoThe new Black Spoon restaurant being set up in Riyadh targets millennials and young families with a twist. The concept, which is in its development stages, is already promising results having been developed with the market in mind. The majority of restaurant goers are young people and the interior has been set to cater for that. With an authentic mix between raw, natural wooden table tops and natural metal and clean epoxy – concrete flooring, the place oozes with glamour. The food is set to be made with traditional authentic savor, while ensuring it cuts through the modern presentation and setting for food lovers. Glee is working to ensure that the restaurant not only caters for the food lovers, but also for the Instagrammers, to whom exquisite backgrounds are a major attraction point. The value in Black Spoon is in its beauty from all fronts.

2. Urban Eatery

Urban Eatery LogoUrban Eatery is a neighborhood eatery that features a vibrant and buzzing sandwich and coffee bar to serve those with an active lifestyle who prefer a fresh and fast meal to-go.
The sandwiches will be made using fresh bread and simple ingredients, and can be complemented with specialty coffee. The counter will also feature cakes, baked goods and desserts with a powerful aroma that fill the space.
The dining area is a place where people come together to socialize, interact and have a good time. It will be airy, and full of light. It’s laidback, home-y feel will be counteracted by its elevated design features including velvet, plush chairs. Earthy tones from large central plants will bring life into the space. Artistic elements can be spotted on the walls and in the design.

Other services offered by Glee Consultancy Services

1. Auditing of existing businesses

Glee does not only offer hospitality consultancy in Saudi Arabia but have expanded their scope to offer auditing to existing businesses. Young businesses are turned away by investors especially when the management seem to lack enough information about the market and managing the company. With extensive experience, Glee helps budding business understand the various aspects of the hotel industries, equipping them with skills for good financial management as well as doing auditing on their behalf.

2. Consultancy for Acquiring and Selling F and B Concepts

Glee also offers consultancy for acquiring and selling F&B concepts to cater for investors who want to invest in something new as well as existing ideas.

3. F&B Master planning and strategy formulation for hotels

Glee helps hoteliers and restaurateurs in formulating strategies and food solutions for hotels, and mixed use developments. They help ensure diversity of services offered in hotels as well as maximizing on sales opportunity and asset value.
With the extensive list of all the satisfied clients of Glee Hospitality Solutions, not only in Saudi but throughout the MENA regions, it is no doubt that your business will also enjoy its maximum success when you partner with Glee. Email your enquiries at info@gleehospitality.comor call them on +971 4 450 3775.