Monday, April 1, 2019

Plant Maintenance in the Middle East

Planters specialise in maintaining living plants out-of-habitat; within office spaces and large-scale interiors that often have limited natural lighting. As the leading interior landscaping company in the Middle East, their high standards set the benchmark for other landscapers in terms of training, service, quality of goods, and plant maintenance. 

Is maintenance necessary?

In order to provide a professional appearance to their business, and a relaxing atmosphere for their staff and customers, a business will have invested in installing the initial plant displays. It is, therefore, imperative to maintain the plants in order to sustain those benefits and project that same level of professionalism.
On the other hand, if the displays are not maintained frequently and in the proper manner, they soon deteriorate; as these are living plants, they will soon die if not properly tended to. Planters ensure that the displays remain in a healthy and decorative condition to fulfill the purpose for which they were intended. Their diligent maintenance ensures that even 30 years down the line, the plants will still look just as good as they did when first planted.

How regular should maintenance be?

In order to detect potential problems before they pose a threat to their displays, Planters provide weekly plant maintenance for their 1,500 ongoing maintenance contracts. Their highly-trained staff tends to the plants as needed; removing dead leaves and debris and inspecting for the early signs of potential problems. Any plant which falls below their high standard is immediately replaced.

Dubai Airport landscape

Extensively trained & fully qualified

All of our staff undergo an initial and all-encompassing induction training, which is carried out in-house. They are taught extensively and then assigned to shadow an experienced member of the maintenance team for one to two months. This teaches them how to maintain the plant displays on site, how to talk to customers, and so forth. After this, further training is given to ensure they have comprehensively understood all aspects of plant care before being given their own maintenance contracts to maintain. The Planters team also receive additional training as Planters introduce new plant concepts to the Middle East. Earlier this year, Green Fortune's training manager was flown out from Sweden to provide training for the newly-introduced interior Living Green Walls and Plantwires.
Green Fortune produces these structures and Planters is the sole distributor within the region, rendering Planters the only landscaping company qualified to construct and maintain these impressive structures.

Distinguishable service

Unfortunately, once clients stray from Planters maintenance, the results become apparent in their displays time after time, as others simply cannot match their level of service, training, experience, and attention to detail. Planters maintain and effective and thorough maintenance service by providing the following:
  • Regular plant inspections
  • Timely visits
  • Healthy, disease-free plants
  • Fully planted containers
  • Cleaned containers with dust-free
  • Knowledgeable, uniformed staff with polite, unobtrusive behavior

Healthy plants better your business

Within Dubai, appearance is vital and you can be sure your clients are judging you on your displays, or lack thereof. Not only do Planters provide the solution but also the level of maintenance required to keep up appearances and promote positive client perceptions.
Ultimately, you choose how you want your company to be perceived if you want to be seen as a professional company that provides attention to detail, Planters provide an unmatched service within the region.
For more information on Planters maintenance service, please contact +971 4 388 3283 or email
Article originally published by Planters Group. See blog here.

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