Monday, December 10, 2018

How to Work More Efficiently to Meet Deadlines

Put your hand up if you have ever rushed to meet a deadline! Have you been putting off that important job? Could this be due to poor time management or a lack of efficiency? What you are about to read next are a few practical tips that may help solve this issue. In a few simple steps you could be well on your way to a more efficient workday!

Identify your distractions

We can all admit that social media is one of the leading cause of procrastination. You find yourself scrolling through your phone and all of a sudden, 2 hours have flown by… Unfortunately, as addictive as it is, social media is very distracting and can take us away from our priorities. A way to resolve this is to be mindful of your time spent on social media, and anything else that is a major distraction for you.

At the end of the day, only you know what takes your attention away from work. Social media is one of the biggest distractions these days, but everyone has their own kryptonite! Make note of what procrastination habits you may have and be mindful of these.

Limiting your distractions

Once you have identified what distracts you, next on the list is learning to limit these distractions! When our workload gets the better of us, it can be difficult to keep on top of it all. To combat this, you should give yourself realistic, short-term goals to accomplish. For example: ‘I am going to lock away my phone between the hours of 2pm – 3pm’ or ‘I am going to stay off Instagram until I finish this project’. Sometimes a bit of self-discipline is the best way to overcome a distraction. Small improvements throughout the day can eventually turn into a habit.

Article was originally published by Areaworks. Read it full here

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