Thursday, August 8, 2019

Exhibit in Dubai; Your personal guide to a hassle-free experience

With the likes of Expo 2020 fast approaching and a proven track record of exponential growth, opportunity in the Dubai market is thriving. This emirate offers an extensive range of venues with the benefit of year-round warm weather. From niche trade shows, to boutique hotels and exhibition halls, Dubai’s flourishing events and exhibitions industry is a prospering sector that is calling out to the European market.

1/ Get to know the country
Allow time to gain knowledge and understanding of the culture, its sensitivity and local laws. Their working week starts on Sunday and ends on Thursday meaning the communicative working week is cut to 4 days. Approximately 85% of Dubai’s population is expatriate, therefore dealing with different nationalities and languages will become routine. Checking the calendars of corporations such as Dubai World Trade Centre and Visit Dubai will give you a great insight into upcoming and annual events.

2/ Plan a lot in advance to avoid extra costs
Dubai’s calendar is heavily centralized around its peak season due to daily heat highs of 45 degrees in its summer months, so consider this when looking to exhibit here. The season in Dubai begins in September and ends in May, subject to Ramadan. Consequently, all events and exhibitions take place during these months and keep it in mind that contractors will have many clients during the busy period.

3/ Select the best contracting partner
This will be key to success! When selecting a partner, look to find one that has the same level of expected standards. Whether it be in the materials they use, their quality control or delivery success rate; understand the company to the fullest. Trust the contractor’s credentials and client testimonials, memberships to international trade associations such as ESSA (Event Supplier and Services Association) and ILEA (International Live Events Association) and check out their website and social media pages to know more about their behind the scene activities. Finally, meet face to face with a representative locally based in Europe and perhaps request for a visit to the company’s factory/workshop to get to know exactly who you are working with.

4/ Bonus! Find a contractor that provides 360-degree solutions
The journey is as important as the destination. Finding a trusted contractor is the cornerstone of preparing for an event. From building stands and managing exhibitors to addressing requests for furniture and setting up the décor – a successful contractor will effectively handle the micro and macro of your event. Subsequently, finding a reactive, organised and fully integrated contractor with client project managers who are highly competent in management and transparent communication will provide the ideal hassle-free experience from abroad.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

7 Values A Shared Workspace can Teach Freelancers and Employees Alike

It’s hard to ignore the shared workspace revolution that is happening all around us; coworking isn’t just something that happens at the front line of modern urban life. It’s happening everywhere – from cities that never sleep to small towns.

Coworking is here to stay. The reason is simple; it’s a win-win-win. Entrepreneurs can accelerate their business growth, freelancers can carve out the working life that they actually want, and companies can encourage their workers to flourish. Oh, and generally everyone gets more done, and you can save money. Win-win-win, right?

That’s all great, but one of the most important reasons why shared workspaces are emerging all over the place is the tangible benefits they offer. Because let’s face it, somewhere along the line, a lot of company offices forgot this key fact. We are people. We don’t all necessarily thrive sitting in the same fluorescent cubicle day after day.

Coworking enables people to thrive, not just survive, and one major reason for this is the fact that whether we realise it or not, a shared workspace teaches us values that the average corporate office simply doesn’t. No training manual, or (shudder) corporate teambuilding exercise can ever come close to the skills and values learned organically by simply living them.

1. Collaboration
Encountering different people from different professional backgrounds is always going to mean you’re exposed to more ideas and greater opportunities. Coworking brings you into contact with more opportunity for collaboration. Instead of rejecting a project because it requires a skill you don’t have, a shared workspace becomes a pool of talent where you can seek out your next collaboration.

Collaboration requires another important skill; communication. Without a doubt, a shared workspace enables you to naturally build up your communication skills. Talking to different people, however formal or informal the chat; whether you’re discussing your work, their work, the current political situation or that series you’re both binge-watching, all adds up to better communication skills. For more on the power of collaboration see our blog: More Than Just a Desk.

2. Openness
A shared workspace brings you into contact with more people, sure, but it also requires you to work on you. The temptation to hide away in a company office is very real and working from home is a series of pitfalls and temptations that often leads to very little work getting done (a ten-minute nap, you say?). Coworking means you bring your A-game. There is no-one curled up on their desk asleep and – hopefully – nobody is watching movie trailers in their pyjamas. Everyone is there because they want to be. Everyone is aspiring to be as productive as the example set by everyone else.

If you’re struggling in a shared workspace, solutions are everywhere. There is freedom to move to another place in the office, to shake it off or shake it up. There is an area where people can chat, a kitchen where you can refresh your cuppa, the friendly guy who you spoke to last Tuesday who knows all about the software that has just shut down on you three times in a row. Openness might seem like vulnerability, but once you embrace it, openness really means security, and that is great for your wellbeing. For more on coworking and wellbeing see these top tips.

3. Diversity
A modern shared workspace introduces you to diversity in every possible way. Sure, you’ll meet people from all over the place, but when we talk about diversity in a shared workspace, we can open the term right up. Shared working environments attract people from all stages of their working life. From the young entrepreneur with a flourishing startup to the experienced older business owner and from individual freelancers to team players. You’ll meet people who are at the top of their game, and those who are embarking on an entirely new career. Check out our piece on networking for more on this.

In no other place will you work alongside people who are in a completely different industry. Yesterday an architect, today a designer, tomorrow a writer. From each of these people, you will learn something new. That is the true value of diversity in a collaborative workspace.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Tips to Find the Best Exhibition Stand Company in Dubai

Exhibiting in Dubai: Why It’s An Excellent Choice For Any Company Wanting to Gain Visibility
The trade show and exhibition industry in Dubai is moving from strength to strength. It is one of the pillars of the UAE’s flourishing economy. Dubai is already one of the world’s top destinations for trade shows and Abu Dhabi is catching up. There are nearly 200 events planned in the UAE over the remainder of 2018 till end of 2019, the majority of which are blue-chip events. Participating in Dubai-based industry events is one of the best things a business can do to highlight its products and services and make new business connections. Dubai is a central economic hub, providing a gateway to markets in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Having a unique exhibition stand is essential to creating interest to attendees and increasing brand awareness and sales.

Reasons to Find The Best Exhibition Stand Company in Dubai
The high volume of events means that there are many exhibition companies providing exhibition design and construction services. A complete list of exhibition companies in Dubai would run into the dozens. Finding the best exhibition stand company to stylize and set up suitable high-quality stands for your clients, or for your business or brand can be a challenge, when there are so many providers to choose from.

Making a poor choice can have devastating consequences. You or your clients could be out a lot of money and you can lose prestige because of a poorly designed or executed stand. A low-quality stand will reflect badly on you and your clients. Here are some of the nightmare scenarios of dealing with an inferior exhibition stand design company:

Busted Budget: Cost overruns due to poor planning or hidden expenses and overheads
Design Disappointment: Failure to achieve the desired design vision or to adhere to brand guidelines
Atrocious Arrangement: Poor quality materials, shoddy construction
Unreliable Service: Low quality execution or set up; failure to abide by deadlines, or to provide needed support and assistance.
Poor Communication: service provider who fails to inform clients about milestones, fails to provide updates on project stages and neglects to get necessary approvals

Article was originally published by Electra. Read more here

What are the Challenges of Having Living Green Walls?

Living green walls offer a wide range of benefits to businesses. From livening up the office space to cleaning the surrounding air, lowering energy costs, improving staff morale and reducing absenteeism, to name but a few. Interest in living walls in Dubai and Abu Dhabi haves steadily increased in popularity. Due to the region’s hot climate, these additions to a building are often preferred for their cooling effect as well.
Along with the perks, there are challenges in having living green walls. Sure, they look and smell great and drastically increase visual appeal for your business. But they are alive – and need to stay that way, so that they continue to provide their benefits. In order to keep your green walls thriving, use the best landscapers in Dubai to plan, install, and maintain the structure. Let’s take a look at the challenges of having living green walls.

In this article, we’ll cover the following:
Plants need to create nutrients from strong light sources. This is how they grow and thrive, and stay healthy throughout the year.
Correctly monitored irrigation is going to play a huge role in the success of your living green wall. Without proper water amounts, plants can die very quickly.
Proper nutrition and sunlight are imperative to a plant’s health. Otherwise, they may suffer from extreme heat and lack of nutrients.

Plants need to create nutrients from strong light sources to survive. Plants absorb the light and convert it into nutrients. The challenge lies in ensuring the right amount. When plants aren’t getting enough light, photosynthesis can’t occur at a healthy level. LED lighting should be applied to indoor plant walls that don’t receive natural sunlight.
Professional landscapers will work with your business to design panelling or a structural frame to attach to walls which allow for adequate lighting. Both sunlight and artificial light can play a role in this process, depending on whether your wall is indoors or outdoors.

Article originally published by Planters. Read more here